Healing with the Angels - NEW LOVE


Next card is:- New Love

Looking at this card it represents love - colour pink on the edges and cherubs with their arrows.

This represents a new love entering your life - this could be a new person, a change in status of an existing relationship or love rekindled. This is a beautiful thing so take the time to enjoy it. If there is a change in an existing relationship, it means that things will be better. If it is a whole new relationship, it means that you need to be open to the possibilities.

The Angels are helping this new love, embrace it and don't be afraid of the change... they are there to guide you. Accept their loving help.


This card is a positive omen. Go with the change if it is presented to you.

There are 2 cherubs in the card so two people will be affected by this change. Yourself and another.

I love the colours in this card as you mentioned Colby.

The sky is blue in the background with white clouds but do you think some of the clouds might be grey(?) which may represent a breakup before a new love begins?