sorry if this has been answered - Vargo and Madame Endora's cards


I remember there were references to the fact some people do use both decks together, but I can't remember seeing exact details of this usage.

If anyone does use both decks together, would they mind sharing exactly how? E.g. do they do a main tarot reading and use one of these oracle cards to give a way forward?

Or does each card position have one of the tarot and one of the Oracle cards?

I am very curious here as to how they have worked. Do they compliment each other well? Does it only work for certain types of spread or reading?

Thanks in advance.



I haven't used these two decks, but I often read with multiple decks. I'll place the second-drawn cards beside the first (or below, depending on the spread) and use them to throw light on each card in that position. I also look at the overall spread. - predominance of suits, dignities etc. Often I find the same cards will crop up in slightly different postions.

edited to add: I'd imagine you could also use different decks for different positions in a reading - one deck might be well suited to emotional aspects, while another might be suited to practical issues.



I don't own the Vargo Gothic but I regularly use Endora Fortune in conjunction with a traditional tarot deck and it's been my experience that the readings compliment each other from different perspectives and occasionaly the readings closely mirror each other.
Generally I read Endora first (my own spread) followed by Tarot.

The idea of using Endora-Gothic conjointly as one deck is intriguing and I've thought about it often because the Endora cards add a very revealing dimension. It's too bad Christine Filipak didn't design a set of traditional Tarot to compliment Endora but then again Vargo-Filipak is a joint venture.

I did a couple of readings using a traditional celtic cross spread using only the Endora Fortune and it very closely mirrored the tarot reading in spirit.
But i prefer my own Endora spread to give me a different perspective before doing a Tarot reading.
Frankly I really don't see any justification to believe that the Endora cards are any less flexible than a Tarot deck in terms of being limited to a specific layout.


I don't use them together, but have both decks. There were some experiments by mercenary30 in the past where he did readings with both decks, if you'd care to dig them up... probably in the reading exchange somewhere (at least a year or more old).

What most people who do use these decks together relate to me is that the Endoras seem to have a more "feminine" voice in the softer way the reading's message is given, and the Vargo more "masculine".

I do love both decks! :D


I've never enought of spreads

manhattan9thgate said:
But i prefer my own Endora spread to give me a different perspective before doing a Tarot reading.

Please, do you mind to tell us about your spread? I'd like to know more spread for using Madame Endora than them in the booklet. Thanks



Ithink I would be interested too.

I like the fact the cards are honest, and not just sugary sweet with their messages. I have a horrendous issue at work at the moment, and wanted to know how to deal with it, and also an honest look at my actions / motives.

I did look to use a Doreen Virtue deck, but it did not cut to the chase like the Endora cards do.

Thanks in advance.



mine is an eight card spread but the attributes of the first five positions are not static at all, they (in my own mind) are kept intentionally fluid with the exception of the last three which could be loosely described as "foundation" cards representing past-present-future or "cycle" cards.
Bearing this in mind, I have found that occcasionaly the past and future cards closely mirror each other; there is a fine line that separates these two artificial values we humans have devised. think of the Wheel of Fortune and Ouroboros. When the past-future cards are drawn in this manner you have to dig deep within yourself to decide what this means, it's no superficial mistake or "coincidence". The middle "present" card is always right on target without exception (no big mystery here).
The first five cards are drawn and laid out as a simplified cross spread beginning traditionally with the center and then radiating outwards top-bottom and then left-right.
then draw the last three cycle cards and place them left-right as a foundation of the first five.
I do not assign attributes to the first five. (huh?)
For me this is a perpetual blank canvas. Often I don't even pose a question.
This is a "conversation" if you will, between myself and my deities. yeah I'm a hard core pagan. I don't throw questions aimlessly into the air and see what comes back.
This is a purely intuitive technique, so it will not work for many people who require cold read "formula" spreads with in-print-etched-in-stone attributes for card positions. no over-intellectualizing-jungian psychological-analysis-ad-nauseum is applied here (however I am grounded in this discipline, so it's not my intention to dismiss it's merit).
This (Endora Fortune) was designed as an oracular deck, the cards reflect that virtue and I use them as such with great success. A pattern develops over time but that is fluid as well. as I said, this is a purely intuitive technique that cannot be distilled down to a formula or bottled.
I guess you'll have to experiment and devise your own spread and methodology if you need something more static/tangible, a layout with clearly marked sign posts.
I probably haven't been much help to you but did ask and I'm not going to post BS.


manhattan9thgate said:
This (Endora Fortune) was designed as an oracular deck, the cards reflect that virtue and I use them as such with great success.
The Endora deck was designed and illustrated by Christine Filipak... were you referring to Doreen Virtue?

I enjoyed your intuitive approach, thanks for sharing!


yes, I am referring specifically to my use of Christine Filipak's Endora Fortune deck


I'm confused, who or what is the "virtue" you mention in your previous post?