Self Improvement Spread (14 cards)

majah kahlana

This is a spread I designed while looking over older readings done for me over the last 3 months. I was looking for common cards drawn and something of a theme to the readings.

1.) Take all the readings done for you for a certain amount of time (say 3 months) and your favorite deck.
2.) Pull all the cards you have received in a reading and set aside the rest.
3.) Now take the stack of cards that you have had read for you and going through them, pull any that have been read for you more than 2 times. Set aside the stack left over with the stack of cards that you had not had pulled for you.
4.) Starting with the cards that have been pulled the highest number of times working down to the lowest number of times, you will want to pull 14 cards. For example you have the Magician 6 times, the 9 of Wands 5 times, etc, on down to 2 times a card has been pulled for you. Set whatever is left aside as this will become your draw deck.
5.) Taking the 14 cards left over, shuffle them thoroughly and then lay out in the following pyramid spread.





1.) Who am I?
2.) What is my cornerstone belief?
3.) What is in my past that needs healing?
4.) What is in my present that needs attention?
5.) What in my future can I begin to work on now?
6.) What are my hopes?
7.) What are my fears?
8.) What is the truth about my fears and/or hopes?
9.) How can I fulfill my desire (or goal)?
10.) What do I believe about myself?
11.) What do others perceive about me?
12.) What is the truth about me?
13.) What is the best possible choice I can make for my life?
14.) What do I need to improve on the most in my life right now?

**You can add a 15th card to "crown" the pyramid if you so desire. I suggest choosing the card from the draw deck but if you want to mix it up a little you can choose it from the cards not previously drawn for you.**
15.) What is the theme that has been prevalent in my life for the past 3 months (or whatever mount of time you chose)?

If you find you need clarification on any of the cards, shuffle and draw a card from your draw deck.

Okay I did this once and had pretty interesting results. Its a little time consuming at first but its alot of fun and interesting to see the patterns over the last few readings.

Would love to hear what you all think.


Very interesting spread! You put so much thought into it. I'll try it later this week.

majah kahlana

Thanks, I cant wait to see what you think of it.