Baroque Bohemian Cats Tarot - Page of Swords

Little Baron

Out of all of the pages, the Page of Swords appears the most alert. He stands in the middle of a road, holding his sword up to whoever approaches. He may be defending his family home or reputation.

This page’s sword may represent his opinion, thoughts or word. He seems extremely focused, concentrated and determined, and in sympathy, the sky is clear and unpolluted. This is a sharp young man. With his ears open and standing tall, not much gets past him - be it useful messages or trivial gossip. Unfortunately, as a younger member of the court, he may not always understand how to process what he receives maturely. An older and wiser character may be able to keep valuable information to themselves, but this kitten may easily pass it about as quickly as he springs into action with his sword. Similarly, he may not know when to keep opinions to himself, often making a fool of himself for coming out with immature statements or providing his outlook or judgement when it has not been asked for.

As a twelve or thirteen year old, I remember being very much like this page. I was naively self-assured and cocky. I freely gave my opinion, whether it was asked for or not. I made assumptions about things that I knew nothing about, occasionally resulting in my looking stupid in front of others.
I was always the first to pipe up or stand my ground. I would go ’head to head’ with adults on regular occasions, eager to get one over them and let my views be known. Even though I was not stupid, my immaturity consistently closed more doors than the amount it opened.

But these negative characteristics are not reserved for the young alone. I often cringe when I see adults behave in a similar way - celebrities, for example, that reveal too much [many regularly hang themselves in the gutter-press, sharing personal details or publicly slaying other people within the media], kiss and tells and autobiography after autobiography of documented scandal and improvisation.

But on the good side, there is a clearness in this card. Even though he does not always deal with things maturely, he is highly perceptive. His eagerness catches understanding and information like a spider catches flies in her sleek web, even if he is not always sure what to do with it. The positive side of this page is his ability to gather it all. He might be ’the researcher’ to a more experienced 'court members' literary masterpiece.
He is the student of air; he enjoys conversation, the beginnings of understanding, and language. If you are under-fire, he will stand up for you; provided you are on the same side - his enthusiasm might also be the snappy tongue of the opposition.

In most decks, I have learnt to fear this page, somewhat. I see him to occasionally be the sneak, the one most likely to share tittle-tattle or a person out to deceive. And here, with that cute little face and bright wide eyes, it is not difficult to see why people fall for him and his stories. He may just be a little devil, dressed up in angel’s clothing.
But only in occasional situations can his mischief get out of hand. On a good day, the messages, thoughts and words of this young kitten can be inspiring, to say the least, like a breath of fresh air or the beginning of a wonderful new idea.


Ah - the Cats have a study group? I think I missed this!

Well, it's great timing as we are doing a lot of work on the images right now.

Give me a day or two to get myself together (a bit of a full weekend right now) and I'll be joining in - if it's okay by you.

Little Baron

baba-prague said:
Give me a day or two to get myself together (a bit of a full weekend right now) and I'll be joining in - if it's okay by you.

Hi Karen,

It is more than ok with me. I would very much appreciate your views and opinions on how I have been reading your cards. They seem to be taking me over at the moment. My readings have clarity and have been scarily accurate. As I said in another thread, in the past I have asked questions of the tarot, and half-heartedly reviewed the response. But with the cats, any question I ask the cards now, I give 'serious' consideration to the answer. I seem to have found a deck that speaks my language and at the moment, I don't want to pass it over for any other. Studying it here is part of the process. Some of the images are quite busy and I don't always recognise them straight out in a spread, so this is also helping me to get to know them a little better for readings for other people. And even though I don't have it now, I will invest in the accompanying book at some point. Is that sold separately, or should I just wait until the Golden set arrives and order it as part of that?

Extremely glad to have you on board.



Yes, it would be interesting to know a bit more about the design of this card.
For me, this card show a bit of the idealist, ready to change the world and makes it better. With the butterflies, the kitten seems to be hard working for concentration. Kind of showing that training of the mind can be harder for some people.