Baroque Bohemian Cats Tarot - Page of Cups

Little Baron

The colouring of this card is relatively flamboyant; or at least, in comparison to the earthy and airy tones of some of the others. The image is predominantly pink - the flowers on the tree behind the main subject and the candy-floss colouring of the cat’s jacket. We may be forgiven for thinking we are meeting some kind of eccentric.

In the foreground is an ornamental pond of some kind. A large stone fish sits within it as decoration and spouts water from it’s mouth. Our Page of Cups salutes it with the toast of his gold chalice.

This card reminds me of myself. I have always identified with the Page of Cups, regardless of what age I have been. He has always tapped into my intuition, creativity, psychic energy and femininity. As a water-sign, I have always been quite a sensitive soul and a dreamer. The colours within this card are almost like a dream. They are a harsh difference to the other three pages who all seem to be engaged in some kind of work or part of the town and city. This one seems to be on a break in the park - now that is ‘me’ all over!

When I see this card, I see the beginnings of some kind of water-based art, craft or love - developing intuition, learning how to increase psychic abilities, beginning the first strokes of a painting, the first feelings of love. He may describe someone that is soft, gentle, caring or artistic.
But this cat is not as grounded as his cousin, the ‘Page of Coins’ or as emotionally protected as his brother, mother or father, so often, he is open to getting hurt. This, in turn, may lead to his darker side - moodiness, emotional imbalance, tantrums, depression or addictions. He is not mature enough to be able to comprehend or deal with emotional rejection or failure and reacts in the way that a child might.

But of course, don't forget that this page also brings with him,the playful essense of the 'Ace of Cups'. He represents the youth within emotion; good, as well as bad. He is 'fondness', 'escapism', self-enjoyment' and 'curiosity'. And how could I forget, no less, 'flirting'.

Any other ideas?



The cat seems to be fascinated and interested with the fish shaped fountain. It stir something inside his mind? Seems so to me...