Goddess Spread


Hello folks.
I was pondering and came up with this idea of a spread...

-----------Mother (4, 5, 6)-----------
--Crone (7, 8, 9)---Me(13)-----Maiden(1, 2, 3)
-----------Warrior(10, 11, 12)----------

So you have a circle that goes anti clockwise from the right, and then ends in the centre.

Each card of the circle reflects an aspect of the Goddess.
Each aspect has 3 drawn for it.
1, 4 , 7 and 10 reflect how you see this aspect of the Goddess, the feeling you have of it, what you expect it to be
2, 5, 8, 11 reflect how you are this aspect - what you do, what sort of situations etc
3, 6, 9, 12, what you can do to work on this aspect, how you draw upon and be this aspect more in life/situation

13 - the Goddess you are at the current time. The centre card reflects how you truly are a child of the Goddess now, how you are a Goddess in your own right!

So you have sets of 3 - which is a very groovy number
and a total of 13 cards, which I think is interesting given that there are 13 moons to a lunar cycle.

What do people think? Open to suggestions!



oh i like the look at that!

i usually look at the goddess as being triple, so the warrior aspect is quite appealing. :D

will have to have a bash at that tonight when the kiddly beans are in bed. ;)

have you done a reading already with it?

jue xx


Ive done a reading with it, and it was really interesting.
I was talking to a friend about how I see myself as just a Maiden aspect. She made me think about how many aspects of the Goddess I draw upon, how I'm not just part of one, I am part of many.
The Warrior aspect I felt needed to be in there because there are lots of warrior goddess that for me, dont 'fit' with the triple. Morrigan, she can be either maiden and/or crone etc. Plus, just because we go through different phases, girlies never really stop fighting, just the methods of war are different lol.

I'm thinking about doing something similiar for the God and the different aspects but my inspiration hasnt got that far yet lol.



Well, too cool. I have printed it to use tonight. I'll let you know how mine comes out.


Still haven't done my reading, but I think I'll have time today.

As I looked at this spread again, I noticed a spiral. . . way cool, inanna.