In love with the Halloween Tarot but...


I bought this deck today and i'm already in love with it. It's exactly what i needed...a deck different from everything, without being completely off-the-wall. Even the LWB that comes with the deck i liked (LWBs usually don't help much, but this one is interesting).
I loved the black cats that show in every cute! And the suits...truly fantastic. Kipling West did an amazing job!

But i'd like to you think this deck is only appropriate for Halloween or October readings? I liked it so much that i feel like using it to read for myself and for others, but somewhat i feel i won't be taken very seriously. Because this deck looks sorta childish, even if i can see clearly the symbolism is very deep...someone who doesn't understand tarot may think it doesn't give a serious message (once i used my Fey Tarot in a reading for another person and the sitter didn't quite believe in me because the cards didn't look 'ominous' enough :( ).

Do you use your Halloween Tarot for any readings, or do you save it for Samhain/Halloween/October/Parties?

Thanks in advance :)


PS. BTW, i just noticed this is my 900th post \o/


I happen to love Halloween, and I love this deck. It reads well and I like the vintage look to it. The orange is muted rather than electric-bright! I use this deck year round, because my love for holidays, in general, and I just enjoy the imagery of this particular one, so I see no problem if you want to read it at any time. Remember-tarot is for you to enjoy and be in touch with, no matter what time of the year it is. Also, if you like it this much, I would definitely recommend getting the book/deck set, which has so much more to offer in your readings and is truly fun. And that was you have a backup deck when this one is worn out! Enjoy it, now, and in the middle of spring, if so be it!


Hi miss_yuko,
First of all congrats on your 900th post.. :D

I had bought the Halloween Tarot a few months ago and simply love it. Its beautiful and so very cute. Though it looks pretty cute, but the readings are very accurate.
Infact 2 months ago, I had gone to my best friend's house for a stayover and ended up carrying this deck to show her. Suddenly her dad came up to me for a reading. Since I was just carrying the halloween tarot, I was quite nervous to use this deck for him as this was his very first reading and I was sure he'd think of it as crap. But I anyway took the chance and read with these cards and was quite shocked to get such a positive and accurate reading. My friend's dad was quite happy and emotional at the end as I had touched a few emotional nodes but it was a great and a powerful reading.

I use it pretty often and am planning to use it more this month. You can use it anytime and not necessarily during halloween parties only. :)


Interesting that mentioned spring, HearthCricket, because i live in south hemisphere, which mean i'm AM in the middle of the spring xD
I'd love to get the set, but unfortunately i only found here the deck-only version, and ordering it from antoher country would be too expensive for me right now. Maybe someday i'll get just the book, or something :)

A_shikhs, thank you SO much for shering your experience with this deck. I always love to read about other's experiences with deck i like or have just acquired :D :D :D

I truly believe this deck can be used for very deep readings, and for fun ones.
