State of Our Relationship spread...


I've designed my own relationship spread. I've found that it can sometimes be difficult to determine which card represents which party in the relationship, so with this one I've split them up into two different sides with the "us" portion being in the center. I feel this spread can be used for ANY type of relationship, i.e. business, friendships, family, parent/child, etc. I hope you find it useful....

State of Our Relationship spread


Querent - on the left

1 - Represents you (could be a significator card if you wish)
3 - Your hopes for this relationship
4 - Your fears for this relationship
7 - How you feel about him

Significant Other - on the right

2 - Represents him (could be a significator card if you wish)
5 - His hopes for this relationship
6 - His fears for this relationship
8 - How he feels about you

The Relationship - in the center (cards 9 and 10 are vertical to one another)

9 - Hidden aspects of this relationship
10 - Advice


Cool spread, LixiPixi. I'm going to add and try this on my Orphalese, and then...what do you think about an 11th card for Outcome?

Also, what is the "hidden aspects" supposed to show? Hidden aspects for each individual? I don't quite get that. Can you give an example?

Also, which person is the advice for?

Thanks for posting!



Hi GA - thanks for the response and the questions. I just did a reading for Sihaya under the "will read for an unbiased opinion" thread....

I copied the place 9 and 10 of her reading to give you the example you were asking for.

For me, the hidden aspects will reveal something about the relationship that isn't known to either party.

You mentioned adding an 11 spot for the outcome. If you feel the spread needs another card added, please do! I simply use the "advice" in the last card as the outcome, but just didn't name it that way. I didn't really feel that this spread gives an "outcome" but more of a "how do we go from here" ending. The term outcome to me seems to answer the what if this or what if that scenario. Since this is more of a how you feel, how I feel thing, I opted for the final advice - this would be advice for the querent relating to their initial question.

The Relationship

9 - 8 Cups - Hidden aspects of this relationship
With this card, I see one thing – someone is not ready for this relationship. I see you being the 8 cups in the background full of emotions and love to share, but he’s just not noticing them. Something seems to be going on in his life that’s causing him to take a different path. He may be more focused on the career side of life right now rather than the relationship side.

10 - 6 Swords – Advice
With this one, the cards are advising that you stand confident, look ahead to a bright future, and keep moving forward. This may be just what needs to happen in order for him to become the pursuer.




Thanks for the response; that helps. I just posted a reading I did with your spread in "Your Readings" with the addition of an outcome card. If you feel like it, stop by and see how I did. :)




I like this one...thanks for sharing it LP!

I may try it tonight if I have time with the cards!
