An odd card which turned up


On August 18th I did a reading for a friend of mine at work. We used the Celtic Cross layout with my Rider/Waite deck. (Note: I learned this Celtic Cross layout from the book "A Complete Guide to the Tarot" by Eden Gray.) This layout runs;
1-general atmosphere/influences
2-opposing forces
3-basis of the matter
4-influence which is just passing away
5-something that may be in the future (I interpret this as the more distant future - beyond the next few days)
6-something which is coming in the near future
7-querent's fears
8-opinions/feelings of family & friends
9-querent's hopes
10-final outcome

The cards dealt were (in case they might bear on the card I'm wondering about);
1-Ace of Swords
2-The moon
3-2 of Cups
4-Wheel of Fortune (reversed)
5-Page of Pentacles
6-8 of Wands
7-9 of Swords (reversed)
8-The Chariot (reversed)
9-Page of Wands (reversed)
10-9 of Wands (reversed)

The card which I'm having trouble with is in position 7 (querent's fears) - the 9 of Swords reversed. I generally interpret the 9 of Swords when it's reversed, as indicating a need for patience or unselfishness - or time bringing healing (usually spiritual or emotional healing). However this meaning for this card seems a little unusual for the position it was in.

I was frank and honest with my friend and told her I couldn't really determine how that card might relate to the position it was in (I also did explain what I felt the card to mean). One thing that occured to me after reflecting on this for a while, was that she might have some fear regarding a lack of emotional healing in her daughter (her daughter had recently been molested by a neighbor).

Any opinion or insight on this card/position problem of mine (or on the entire reading if you wish to take the time) would be tremendously appreciated.


You didn't say what the question was that was asked. But based on the info you gave us, I would relate the #7 card with the #9 card, linking fears with hopes.

Considering your comment about the daughter who was molested, my take here would be that she is afraid that the neighbor is getting off scott-free here - not paying the appropriate price for his actions. She probably expects him to be consumed with guilt in addition to whatever physical punishment he might have experienced as a result of his actions (if any).

Connect this with the #9 card, the Page of Wands reversed is the perfect card to indicate taking a smug, self-satisfied person down a couple of notches. She is harbouring fantasies of this guy getting his due. She wants retribution.

My big concern here is the #8 card. The people around her see that she has become so focused on this situation that she is losing control in other areas of her life. The Moon as a crossing card shows that she's not thinking clearly right now. Most definitely letting emotions override judgement. If she is going to get past this, she needs to call on that 2 of Cups nature which is at her core.


Mojo said:
You didn't say what the question was that was asked. But based on the info you gave us, I would relate the #7 card with the #9 card, linking fears with hopes.


Actually, she hadn't asked a specific question, rather she just wanted a reading regarding general things (so to speak). In fact, this is what had prompted my other question (in "Using Tarot Cards") on "Specific vs. general questions in readings".

Your thoughts here seem to be right on the money though! :D As I was reading it, it all started making sense. It's amazing how much clearer things can be sometimes, when someone points it out to you! Obviously this is a serious issue for her - in fact she had recently moved to another apartment because of this. I'm definitely going to have to study this layout again. (Which is going to prompt me to post another querry I guess. ;))

Thank you very much!



Trogon, I found that I've adapted the Celtic cross to fit some of my own personal meanings. The layut is the same, but some positions mean something different than the standard books might say.

When I first got here, I posted about my dilemma -- should I adapt myself to what the book said was right, or go with what i was doing instead? Of course, everyone said go with what works, and that's what I've done. I foundt hat by allowing my Cards to help suggest the best layouts and interpretations, it helped me tremendously to believe in what I received from them. (And I'm still thakful for thos who responded to that thread of mine from back then)!

In case it's of interest, in my layout :

Card 3 can sometimes mean a karmic influence at work in this lifetime, or a "root cause" (also, subconscious) to the issue

Card 5 can sometimes mean a karmic goal to be expected if this work is achieved, or can be influences coming into action in the situation

Card 7 is what others think of the you/situation

Card 8 is what you think of yourself/situation

Card 9 is what the Cards think of you/situation

Card 10 Final word, likely outcome

By moving from 7 to 9 I like to emphasize the querent go from outer sources of information, to inner (self, Cards) sources.

I have a tendency to see things in terms of karma a lot though, so it's not unusal for me to pick up on karmic traces at times. That's how they incorporated into my readings. You may have completely different gifts, inclinations, etc. and I hope you follow them if you do!

Best wishes!


Alissa said:
Trogon, I found that I've adapted the Celtic cross to fit some of my own personal meanings.
In case it's of interest, in my layout :


I'm always interested in the layouts or modifications of various layouts that other people are using... Yours is definitely an interesting variation which I am looking at. Thank you.
