My famous reading for tonight!


Well, I've started a couple of threads about this reading that I did. So, I thought I would share this with all of you. At first glance, the reading didn't look so bad, until I started looking deeper at the reading it self, and then I realized that something was just not clicking at all. I'm wondering if anyone else see's anything here that I may be missing.

Position 1: Toxicology Report. What poisons you? (Ace of Pentacles)
What poisons you is that you are resisting opportunities that are being presented to you because you think that they are too good to be true, and that beneath the shining exterior lies something that can not be as good as it looks. You’ve become so worried about losing your stability and comfort zone that you are latching onto things that are really not helpful to your growth and this will hold you back.

Position 2: The 'Y' Cut. What opens your heart? (Ace of Swords)
What opens your heart is your ability to communicate in effective ways. You are able to get your point of views across in a logical and understanding way. You are filled with determination and will, and are able to direct your energies to a specific action. You can cut through just about any situation to get to the bottom of things.

Position 3: Gastric Contents. What's eating away at you? (Three of Swords)
What’s eating away at you is something is really bothering you deep down to the core. This situation is causing you great sadness and heartbreak. You may feel that what you are going through now is never going to end, and you will feel this sadness inside of you forever.

Position 4: DNA Report. Who are you? / Your identity (Ten of Pentacles)
What I see is a woman here who has everything that would make anyone happy. But there is something about the look on her face that makes it seem like she isn’t as happy as she should be. She looks like she is just going through the motions so to speak, and all of these riches aren’t pleasing her. She feels like she is missing something that is the missing piece to making her happy.

Position 5: Dental Records. How do you take in things from the outside? (The Magician)
The way you take things in from the outside is that you manipulate things to your liking. You never take things just the way they are. You often turn things into something its not for example you take a word that was said and turn it into an insult. What you need to do is take things just as they are said, and not try to read between the lines and find things that are not really there.

Position 6: Cause of Death. How are you changing? (Ten of Cups)
The way you are changing is that you are starting to see happiness in the small things in life, and you are opening your heart and soul to all the love that is being offered to you.

There is a lack of the fire element in this spread, so I see that there is absolutely no movement involved here. It looks like this situation is going to take a long time to move out of due to the missing push of fire.

With multiple twos and tens in the reading, this reading clearly speaks of both an ending and a beginning. We cannot have a new beginning without an ending.

The quintessential card here is Strength which is reminding you that even though things look bad, you have the inner strength to make it through this.



Hi Azariel, I enjoyed the spread, rather morbid, no? Then I noticed your title, "I hear dead people". LOL. Is there a connection?

Although the spread is picturesque, I don't really know how useful it is for you, it is sort of all over the place, and some of the questions are very negative -- "what poisons you", and "what is eating you" already assume that something is poisoning or eating you.

Is there in fact anything eating you? The card in the eating you position, bye the way - the Three of Swords seems just to reflect the question back at you. "Eating me? is there something eating me? how bout heartbreak? any heartbreak happening here?

Even though this is a fun and clever spread, I would suggest rather than using it, that you just ask the tarot what you really want to know -that is- if you really want to know something.

If in fact you are dealing with heartbreak, you might want to ask the tarot directly about that for example.

On the other hand, I might be talking out of my patootie, perhaps you didn't know you have undealt with heartbreak to work out, (who doesn't, ROFL) and now you do thanks to this spread...


No, no, I didn't make up the spread. I found it in the tarot spreads forum. It was one that Jeanette from over at Tarot Gardens had posted, and I thought that it looked a little interesting, so I thought I would try it out.

And actually yes, I have heard dead people talk to me, lol.



Oh don't worry, I certainly believe that you have heard dead people, I know many others who have done so... I just wondered if there were a connection to that and to the fact of you using this spread about taking apart dead people. Okay, it was a bit of an attempt at humour... never mind!

LOL. Sorry to Jeannette for criticising the spread, pleeeeease forgive me.... Nevertheless, it doesn't change my opinion that the spread doesn't help you find out what you really want to know.


The elemental question

My take on elemental dignities is really elementary! And, I don't do them on a regular basis. However, I notice that you have a series of alternating Pentacles and Swords (Earth & Air) which are not friendly to each other.

Also, the title to that spread is Autopsy, isn't it? Which implies that some part of you is dead. Are you trying to find out which part that might be? Or do you know what the part is, but not why it died?

The spread provides you with different areas to consider in answering why something died--that's the purpose of an autopsy--but not the central question, which is "why did my ________ die?" Some possible blank fillers: joy, creativity, love, curiosity, energy, strength.

That might be why the answers seem peculiar. Nothing ties them together.
That's my guess, anyway. ;)