Cosmic Tribe: Four of Disks

Little Baron

Just pulled this card this morning, and couldn't quite get my head around it. Until I started looking at it intuitively.

Do my words mean anything to anyone?

Intuitively, this card means more to me than what is written in the accompanying book.

When I look at the picture, I see someone, partially hidden, that holds up a sphere. The sphere shows a scene - of a castle on a hill, safe amongst healthy plants and greenery. Don't we all want to live somewhere like that? Somewhere where we feel both content and comfortable. Where all of our needs can be obtained without too much trouble.

The figure that holds the sphere, however, is in a drab and spacious wasteland. There is little there. The vegetation is sparse and dying. He dreams of better. And I can see myself in that figure. My wanting for more than I have - a job, some money, my own home, a boyfriend. All of the riches of this figures dream.

But I think the card also points at what we do have. And to not forget it. To make use of the family, friends and opportunities in our lives at the moment. We may have to settle for something or someone a little more realistic. Dreams are dreams. And reality is reality. Always searching for that which is perfect could lead to a lonely existence. Setting goals too high could be a burden too heavy to cope with and a disappointment too great. If you notice, the four drab stones all have alchemical signs on them. The figure already has all that he needs to survive, but he ignores these stable structures in favour of an illusion that he considers to be better.

This might be a time to save money for dreams and goals. It might be looking to the future and making allowances in the here and now. To prepare financially by not going out so much or spending on unnecessary things. It might be not 'sleeping around', in preparation for a stable relationship.

I can see myself right where this man is. I am trying to cut back socially; for the good of my body and the good of my pocket. This may appear a little dull and boring, as in the wasteland shown, but it aids security and gives peace of mind.
The card reminds me of a programme I saw on television the other night - 'Your Money or your Wife'. There was a man on it that was spending £1,400 more than he earnt every month. He said that he enjoyed the good life; high-teas, four holidays a year, designer clothes, fast cars. Unfortunately, he could not afford these things and purchased them all on credit. He was on his way to becoming bankrupt, should he continue over-spending. With that situation in mind, I can see how someone looks to physical and sensual enjoyment in life, even if they can not financially afford them. Sometimes, expensive gadgets and status may be more important than the simple pleasures. This card, I feel represents goals, but for them to be achievable, other areas of life must be held in check and one must sacrifice. For me, trying to hold on to money, hoewever bored I am, and trying to remain celibate, however lonely I get, is preparing for a richer future wih a little bit of savings and a person I really want and feel comfortable sharing my body with.

Anyone got any ideas?

Jewel! Where are you?