3 of swords & page of pentacles


I did a reading last night for a person regarding their love life. This person was not with me, which doesn't seem to affect my readings other than the fact that I have little info to work with. In position 6 of the cc was the 3 of swords which means loss/sorrow or potentially a third party and position 10 was the page of pent. I take this to mean she may be focusing too much on something that she shouldn't be. Card 9 was the World which I'm taking that this relationship has come full circle. I think she should get out of this relationship and put her effort into more practical things. Any suggestions? I'm stumped by the page.


Hi Nancy,

There are many versions of the Celtic Cross - what does 'position 6' and 'card 9' mean?

I'm taking 'postion 10' to mean the potential outcome position and with the Page of Pentacles in that positon then I would say that it could mean a new phase in the relationship.. maybe the relationship will become a phsyical one (if it's not already).
It could also mean that this person has to learn some practical skills.

Without seeing the whole reading (and for that, you'd have to post in the Your Readings forum along with your own take) it's really difficult to say...

Maybe if you told us what these 'positions' mean it would help a little.


Yes, so many different positional meanings. (I really don't like this spread, especially for relationships, but I've been doing it for so long!) Anyhow, position 6 is the future, position 9 is hopes & fears & 10 is outcome.


I would suggest to post the entire reading on your readings, since the crossing card together with the recent past card could play a factor on the fututre card as well as the outcome. otherwise we will be guessing on this reading


Thanks Sulis.


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