Programming Crystals - How To Guide


This is a topic I'm becoming interested in, and so I'm posting info I've found on the web in this thread. Please feel free to add to this (you crystal experts--you know who you are!). :)


How to Program a Crystal

In metaphysical terms, programming a crystal is to store an energy pattern in a crystal. The energy pattern programmed into the crystal can be any thought, color, emotion, sound, or any other vibration. The vibrational pattern is stored in the crystal until it is purposefully cleared out.

This is one way to program a crystal so that you or someone else can benefit later from the energy pattern programmed into it. If you have a different method you prefer, use it. I don't believe there is one way to do it, but rather many, and you should choose the one(s) that suit you best.

Needed to Program Your Crystal:
* Crystal
* Clear Intent - Know what you want to program the crystal to do.
* Focused Action - This method is one focused action.

Step One - Clear your crystal with whatever method you prefer, and sit down with your crystal at your personal altar or in a place that you're not likely to be disturbed while you are programming your crystal. .

Step Two - Hold the crystal in your dominant hand (right hand if right handed) and clear your mind of unrelated thoughts. Start to focus on your intention for the programming of your crystal.

Step Three - Focus on your intention for your crystal by saying descriptive words aloud. For instance, if you want to program your crystal to bring peace of mind, start repeating the words "peace of mind" over and over again. A whisper is fine if a normal tone of voice would attract distracting attention from others.

Step Four - Repeat your intent verbally into your non-dominant hand, then place that hand over your crystal to push the vibrations into the crystal.

Step Five - Continue holding the crystal and repeating your intention until it feels as though the vibrations have sunk into the crystal fully. If necessary, repeat step four.

Once your intuition tells you or you have a sense that the crystal has accepted the vibrations, open your hands and thank the crystal. The crystal is now programmed.

This method can also be used with tumbled stones, spheres, polished crystals, and natural chunks of minerals, as well as natural crystals.

To retrieve and use the programming, simply rub the crystal while asking (silently or out loud) for its programming to be released.

Why do we want to program our crystals ? There is a folklore that crystals carry programming (a set of instructions) put there by other people or other beings before we acquire the crystals and that sometimes we do not want that. Well, I have the view that first, crystals come on the planet already with a set of instructions on how to grown, what structure, where, how fast and with what energy characteristics - just like humans who have a set of genetic instructions. This inherent pattern cannot be changed. It is up to your own belief system whether there were extra-terrestials or others who have loaded instructions into crystals or not. Let's move on then.

Second, each crystal has its own mission, or its own programming for healing. Sometimes, it is to provide a grounding force on the planet, maybe working energetically with other crystals in the earth to provide a network of stabile energy across the planet as part of the physical matrix of the planet. Sometimes, the crystal will carry a specific energy signature by resonating tones, colours and other vibrations that are provided through compassionate forces for humans and other life forms on Earth. Crystal people sometimes say that a crystal resonates for a particular chakra, or has a mission to "clear a past life" for instance. We don't want to harm that type of programming either.

Third, there is a blank database in each crystal. This is a spiritual (ie, not physical) energy centre which has the ability to store new instruction. Just like humans who have infinate capacity for spirituality, the crystal can translate and absorb an energy signature from outside itself and store it into a crystalline energy structure within itself. Now this is the real esoteric work of a crystal ! The mundane science of a crystal explains some of how these energy instructions are stored, but now we've left that far behind now and are going into an area of deep inner science! This database sometimes gets filled up with unconscious instructions from people handling the crystal, unaware they are projecting energy thought forms that are picked up and stored by the crystal. So, we will want to be sure that the database is empty of any unknown programming first. When we add our set of instructions. The crystal will then resonate with those instructions, amplifying, broadcasting, and projecting the new set of energy patterns to ourselves or others as directed.

Here are some different programming techniques used with crystals.

1) A simple method is writing a thought on a piece of paper then placing a crystal on top to absorb the thought energy. The crystal magnifies the thought and acts as the transmitter, sending the thought in its amplified state to the target person or thing mentioned in the note. You can also use one of the other methods below and place the crystal on a person's photograh to send them an amplified thought.

2) You can also program your crystal by holding it in your hand then breathing in through your nose, hold the thought in your mind of what you want, then forcefully breath out (snort !) into the crystal through your nose. Do this on each side of the crystal to program it. There are 6 sides to a clear quartz crystal. This is a powerful programming technique that I teach in my classes and hope you will benefit from it. You can also read about this technique at the Vogel-Cut Crystal site.

3) Another method is to create a circular breath by holding the thought of what you desire in your mind and then breath slowly and naturally through your nose into the crystal and then breath energy back in from the crystal. Repeat this circular breath for 10 - 20 minutes. This is an effective meditative techniqueand is quite powerful to direct your mind for positive results.

You can put as many thoughts, affirmations or items such as holographic images into your crystal. Whenever you want to clear them out, just forcefully breathe the word "CLEAR!" into the crystal 6 times (one for each side of the crystal) and this will be done. By the way, if you are holoding a crystal and are thinking bad thoughts, don't. Put the crystal down and clear your mind. Revisit yout intent and then you can proceed to use the crystal, unless you need to cleanse the crystal of any negativity its picked up or to clear it of any unintentional programming. Crystals are indiscriminate about energy, but Spirit isn't - so please use them for positive purposes.



thansk for that informative guide!


Well, I thought I would add my own comments to this topic. I personally do not program my crystals, I do what I call attuning with my crystals. I will however let them know what I need help with and then leave it up to them to do what is in my own best interests. When I am doing a crystal layout on a client I let the crystal know what it is that the client needs help with before laying the crystal on the client. This following information is what I teach my crystal students about how to attune with crystals and develop a personal relationship with them.


First you need to learn how to attune to stones before you go choosing them. It's important that you try to accept the possibility that these are living, sapient life-forms that you are bringing home with you. You aren't here with me for me to prove it to you, so I will try to convince you of the feasibility of this.

This information comes from chapter 18 of a book entitled "The Mystery of The Crystal Skulls" written by Chris Morton and Ceri Louise Thomas. There is a scientist in London, England, by name of Harry Oldfield. He is a science teacher in a school and a crystal healer in his own clinic. He has developed equipment that allows him to capture the moving image of crystal spirits on video camera and screen. To the naked, untrained eye, they can't be seen. But they do show up on his equipment as misty wisps, and will dart back down into the stone if they are startled or if the stone is moved.

I concur with this because I have seen these little spirits myself, not only as misty wisps, sometimes as a bright little light that can dart or flicker about within or just outside of the stone. Some of them show themselves as a silvery glow around the stone. And they do startle easily and are very shy and will stay hidden and muted within the stone until they become comfortable with you. They have personalities and emotions, they are very, very old and intelligent and wise. If you abuse them they have ways of making themselves disappear from your life and they take their stone with them when they leave. They are attracted to people who are sensitive and open to the universal energies around them, including most of the people who have physical, mental or emotional handicaps. They try to avoid or ward off evil incarnate. They want to be helpful and useful with their knowledge and will even give you a 'dressing down' when they see you are making an utter fool of yourself.

Here is what I do to earn their trust and cooperation, or in other words, to develop an attunement with a stone. The best ones for beginners to start with are the clear quartz crystal points. (If it makes it easier for you, you can pretend that you are choosing a new puppy to bring home with you.) You go to a rock shop and look for quartz points that have not been 'finished' and set in jewellery. Sort through them a bit (handle carefully, they can be fragile) and pick one that especially draws your attention. You may end up going back to it 2-3 times. It doesn't have to be big, the big ones are expensive, but more often than not the one that 'calls' to you will also happen to fit within your price range. Take it home and treat it as you would a brand new puppy or kitten. You clean it, feed it and give it a resting place that provides it with a sense of security until it feels comfortable with you and ready to come out and face the world. You give it lots of loving strokes.

To cleanse and recharge your stone set it in a small dish under the kitchen faucet and let cool (NOT HOT !!! it can break) running water trickle over it for about 20 minutes. Cold running water generates healthy negative ions which will recharge and refresh and 'feed' your stone. Healthy stones also generate negative ions for you.

Do not at first put your new stone with other stones you may already have. Do not try to PROGRAM your stone. I don't even like the word in this context. It makes me think of brainwashing in a concentration camp. These are intelligent and motivated beings who will psychically realize your intent as they become more familiar with you. I let my new stone sit on my kitchen table for a few hours where it can observe me going about my business. Sometimes I reach over and give it a couple of gentle strokes. When I go to bed I take the stone with me and set it on the bedside table. When I'm settled in bed I relax and then pick up the stone and start examing it. All over, the outsides, the inside, sometimes with a magnifying glass or pocket microscope. I totally familiarize myself with what my eyes and fingers see. Next I lie back comfortably with the stone resting on the center of my forehead, just above my 6th chakra. And I let the stone communicate what it will to me. Special Note: This can sometimes make you feel a little bit "stoned". (Have you ever wondered where that expression came from?) That 'stoned' or spacey feeling goes away shortly after you remove the stone from your forehead.

Every stone has a different story or a different way of relaying messages. Only you can discern what that message is. This is the time to mentally communicate to the stone who you are and what you are all about, and what your wishes and desires and needs are. And you will 'sense' what your stone is all about and what it can do for you. This is your initial attunement with your stone, you won't need to do it again. And you don't need to program it. If there is something you would like your stone to do for you, you simply need to hold it in your hand and mentally let it know. If you do this with loving intent you will get all the co-operation you could ask for and more.

Every time you attune to another new stone it will get easier and easier each time. After I do my attunement I set it back on the bedside table and I read for a while. It is usually at this time that the spirit within the stone starts making it's first, tentative appearances. Try to glance at it out of the corner of your eye. Using your peripheral vision you may see some obscure, wispy movement just above or around the stone. If you turn your head toward it, it will usually dart back into the stone. Remember they are shy to start with, but you're off to a good start. (Go through this procedure with any and all other stones you may already possess.) In the morning you can put you new stone where you want. Okay, that about covers how I do attunements.


Thanks for the info Crystalwoman. I was caught by your saying "You aren't here with me for me to prove it to you, so I will try to convince you of the feasibility of this." and this is you talking about Crystals as living entities.

Now I don't doubt this at all.
I'm merely interested in how you prove it to people.

I was going to send you a PM, and then noticed you don't accept them. LOL, I'm sure I'm not alone in saying I would have loved to send you one myself, I have some crystal stuff I'd like to talk about....albeit privately.


I'm really interested in how it can be proven to other people that they exist too. Another poster recently asked about this and I posted a response - see this topic If you look there you'll see another link was posted with more information about Harry Oldfield's researches.

In answer to your question "how do I prove it? - well, I can't. I can only tell about what I've seen myself, and what others have reported to me. And I can tell you that you need exposure to crystals before they'll present themselves, so it's something you have to see for yourself. As far as I know the only video footage caught of them has been done with the special photography equipment that Professor Oldfield has developed.

I'm sorry I'm unable to receive PM's from this forum right now. My own computer has been on the blink for the past little while and I've been using somebody elses in the interim til mine gets fixed. Otherwise I'd have been more active online here. As it is, I'm not participating as much as I'd like on here nor on some of the other sites that I'm usually active on as well. When I get set up better computer-wise later on I'll enable the PM function here.


As just an aside, not all stones should be cleansed with water. Some stones, selenite and malachite being just two, can be damaged by water because they are not hard enough to withstand the application of water, and can actually dissolve. I have a piece of selenite that I foolishly left outside (on a covered porch), failing to realize that the high humidity of my part of the country would also damage it.