The Nightmare Before Christmas Tarot

Violet Gargoyle

Wondering if anyone has it. Both me and the DH collect all things NBX and I remember seeing copies of it at ebay at one time, reading that it was passed out at a convention.

But I can not seem to find the deck now that I am looking for it (ain't that the way it always goes.) But I am also wondering it it is worth the trouble. (Drawings? Card Stock?)

Anyone have any opinions on this?


Violet: I loved the movie! Was & still am interested in this deck; also checked on it when it was listed at eBay, but the price was too steep for me. I am sure it has value as a collector's piece simply because of its novelty & its limited availability. I think it would be an intriguing deck to read with, like the Halloween Tarot deck--a sort of light-hearted dark deck--if there is such a thing.


He he he...

I have one.

PM questions please.


I loved this movie! I loved the style and 'Tim Burton' look of it :D I didn't know a deck excisted!!!

*Kayne runs off to go Goooogling...*


Umbrae: Can you tell me how the deck is structured? It does not seem like a proper deck, rather a series of numbered cards...


Isnt it majors only? Also Id be curious to know who they assing to each card hehe



I loved that movie. Have it in Laser Vision (erk). I did not know there was a deck and if anyone finds a supply, I would like to be one of the ones notified!!!

Violet Gargoyle

Liliana said:
Id be curious to know who they assing to each card



Violet Gargoyle

Re: He he he...

Umbrae said:

PM questions please.

Can do, will do, have done.