The Desperate Housewives Cross-Spread


Hey all,

Came up with this spread based on the show. It's a little large, but quite insightful.


1. Mary Alice:- Your Inner Story Teller - Keeper of all your secrets

Now we group each of the following.

2. Susan:- Your emotional high's and lows.

2a. Karl:- The source of your broken heart
2b. Julie:- Your emotional support system
2c. Mike:- What always slips out of your fingers
2d. Ian:- A forthcomming sign of happiness

3.Bree:- Your Ideal self - What you strive so hard to be

3a. Rex:- The missing half of yourself
3b. Andrew:- The mistake you can never make right
3c. George:- The mistake that happened right under your nose
3d. Orson:- A new influence that has a hidden darker side

4.Lynette:- The chaotic side of your life

4a. The Boys:- The root of all your chaos
4b. Tom:- The source of what keeps you sane
4c. Nora:- The unexpected chaos you can't control
4d. Kayla:- A new chaotic source to test your patience

5.Gabrielle:- Your sexual side - Your inner sex kitten

5a. Carlos:- What seemed right, but now makes you feel trapped
5b. John (The Gardner):- Your Guilty Pleasure
5c. Lucia (Her Mother):- The source of all your insecurities
5d. Bill:- A new outlet for expressing your desires

Now we look at other aspects

6. Edie Britt:- Your Rival - What challenges you
7. Paul Young:- The root of your fears
8. Zach Young:- Your deep dark secret


Do lemme know what you all think.


Quite a clever construction! It will be fun to do.

(This just actually happened: I had a few minutes to sit down. Thought, maybe I should run a few minutes of the Desp. Hswvs episode I recorded the other night. Then I said, Nah, I'll go back on line. And found your post, most recent one in!)



Hey Grace

Glad you liked it. Would love to hear your insights on how it worked when you used it.

Love and Blessings



That's so detailed; I love it!

And it's so up to date!!!

(Love this show)

Thanks, I'll try it soon!


Ohh I love this! :) I copied it into my notebook and will try it soon. It looks quite interesting!


Hey SarahRose and silver_rain

I'm glad you two loved the spread... I would really love to know how it worked out for you two.


Love and Blessings



ok so me and my girl did this spread and it worked real well. yes its long but its worth it, we talked about alot and were pleased with the reading. and props to the designer i know it took some time but i think you nailed it. just wanted to express my enjoyment of the spread.

if you want to do something fun but informative and something different from the norm, this is a good one. we just took one card at a time and read eachother and talked and such. thanks much


sprite said:
ok so me and my girl did this spread and it worked real well. yes its long but its worth it, we talked about alot and were pleased with the reading. and props to the designer i know it took some time but i think you nailed it. just wanted to express my enjoyment of the spread.

if you want to do something fun but informative and something different from the norm, this is a good one. we just took one card at a time and read eachother and talked and such. thanks much

Hey sprite

I'm glad you liked and enjoyed my spread. I hope all that you learnt from the cards in this spread helps and empowers you and your girlfriend in all the areas that are depicted through the spread

Thank You

Love and Blessings



I just tried this spread, it was the biggest spread I've ever done but it was very interesting and insightful! I guess I should really stop trying to strive to be a Queen of Swords (Bree) when I really am a High Priestess (Mary-Alice). And the Fool is my missing side! I should really look into myself and see if I can find that side of myself :) Lots of majors in this spread, lots of things that hit home.


silver_rain said:
I just tried this spread, it was the biggest spread I've ever done but it was very interesting and insightful! I guess I should really stop trying to strive to be a Queen of Swords (Bree) when I really am a High Priestess (Mary-Alice). And the Fool is my missing side! I should really look into myself and see if I can find that side of myself :) Lots of majors in this spread, lots of things that hit home.

Hey silver_rain

I'm happy to know that you had an insightful and interesting reading through the spread. I find it interesting that you got the High Priestess card in the Mary-Alice position... afterall, the high priestess is the "keeper of secrets". And the fool to come in your "Rex" position, that perhaps is an interesting revelation in itself.

Thank you for taking a chance on the spread

Love and Blessings
