Witchy Tarot - Emperor

Feisty Kat

subtitle: hat

scene: A fall day. A very large witches hat sits on top of a log. At the tip of the hat is a crow. A female stands behind the hat as if posing for a picture. Three daisies are seen in the foreground.

Symbols: hat, crow, daisies

B*B--Feisty Kat

Feisty Kat


witch's hat - status symbol, obvious symbol, cone of power

crow - watchfulness, vigilance, craftiness, trickery, strategy, knowledge, messages, solitude

Daisy - innocence, purity, loyalty, spring fever, youthfulness, day's eye, sun, predictive abilities ( a red daisy represents beauty unknown).

Feisty Kat


Status concious, hiding behind a symbol, posing, look for the messenger, be vigilant, use strategy, change is on the way, jaded, ridicule, arrogance, autumn

Reversed: funnel, tornado, take time to process input