Herkimer, please help!


I have a precious Herkimer-diamond that I absolutely love. However, everytime I wear it I have dramatic arguments, fights and falling outs with friends and loved ones that I don´t usually have. It has come to a point where I don´t dare to wear my Herkimer anymore, for fear of ruining the day with arguments. It is as if communication is completely blocked when I wear it. I know that Herkimer is supposed to bring out the truth, right? Enable communication? Well in that case all my friendships and relationships must be built on lies since so many negative things come up to the surface whenever the Herkimer is involved. Is the energy too strong? Has the stone been traumatized sometime during its life time or what is wrong??? :)

Please help me out here.... What do I do with this stone? I really love it. Should I bury it in a potted plant for a while to absorb possible negative energy or will it always be like this?


Sick Stones Intensive Care Unit

*embla* said:
Please help me out here.... What do I do with this stone? I really love it. Should I bury it in a potted plant for a while to absorb possible negative energy or will it always be like this?
You're on the right track with your idea of burying it. When a stone has an effect such as you're describing then burial is usually the only last resort that will do any good - it's what I call putting the stone into an Intensive Care Unit. The stone is VERY sick and must be healed and is way beyond cleansing with the common methods of running water or sea-salt or sunlight. However, burying it in a plant pot with a potted plant won't do any good at all and might even kill the plant. It MUST be buried directly in the ground so that it can discharge its' negative energies straight down DEEP into the earth. Mother Earth will absorb those energies and transmute them back into positive energies, and She will heal and recharge the stone with her own calming positive energies.

Put the stone double-wrapped into one of those nylon mesh bags that onions or garlic come in (the nylon won't disintegrate in the earth as quickly as cloth or leather would) and tie the neck of the bag with a 2 foot long length of nylon cord - i.e. thick guage fishing line or hay-baling nylon twine. When you burry the stone in a 12 inch deep hole in the ground make sure the end of the cord is sticking up about 12 inches above the ground. It's important to leave a long length of cord above the ground because the stone is going to sink even deeper and sideways into the earth (it's almost as if they dig themselves down deeper but it's really Mother Earth drawing it down) and the cord is the only way you'll be able to relocate the stone later on. When you go to remove the stone from the earth don't pull on the cord or else you risk losing the stone, you must DIG down for it along the length of the cord (it may have become tangled amongst roots).

Speaking from experience with treating many other sick stones I'll venture to guess your stone won't be ready to come back up to the surface until at least 3 months has gone by. Some very sick stones may require a couple of years of burial, so you will have to pull it up at intervals and check it by wearing it for a day. The stone will get very dirty while it's in the ground so remember to give it a good scrubbing with a brush under running water.

There is one other method you may wish to try first before burial in the ground. This is good for stones that are sick but not VERY sick. Fill a half-gallon glass jar with sea-salt and bury the stone in the middle of the salt, then slowly add water to the jar of salt until the salt is completely saturated and half an inch of water sits above the surface of the salt. Cover with stretchy plastic wrap (to allow for air expansion) and an elastic band around the jar's neck to keep it tight and put the jar in a sunny window. The reason for the plastic wrap is to prevent the water from evaporating and causing the salt to go hard. Leave the jar in the window for 2 weeks then check the stone by wearing it for a day. If the energies are still very bad then you will have to bury the stone in the earth. If the energies are improved after 2 weeks but still have some residual negative energies, put the stone back into a jar of FRESH salt for another 2 weeks, then check again. If there are still residual negative energies after a full month of salt treatment then you really will have to bury it in the earth as the salt isn't strong enough.

Get rid of the used salt - don't re-use it because the salt will be bad. When I get rid of bad salt I scatter it very widely over gravel or rocks so as not to pollute the area with concentrated negative energies.


crystalwoman, could you also discard the 'bad' salt by throwing it into a body of water that will wash it downstream? I ask this, because to me it makes some sense. water is a cleansing unit, and also it will 'carry' the bad away with it, washing it out to a larger body of water. or is this thinking wrong on my part?


Crystalwoman, thank you for picking up on the urgency and gravity of my situation with this Herkimer-diamond. Your advice is so wise and useful. Since I live in an apartment building and have no garden of my own I will try the advanced salt-cleansing method first, and then go for the more drastic burial. Thank you so much for taking the time to help me with this, and for saving the life of one of my potted plants, that possibly would have gone down with the Herkimer had you not interfered.

I am left with one question only, what on earth can make stones this sick? What can have happened to my herkimer? Is there a way to avoid that your stones get so sick they need intensive care?


Celticnoodle asked: "crystalwoman, could you also discard the 'bad' salt by throwing it into a body of water that will wash it downstream? I ask this, because to me it makes some sense. water is a cleansing unit, and also it will 'carry' the bad away with it, washing it out to a larger body of water. or is this thinking wrong on my part?"

This is a really good question, and one that I've given much thought to over the years. The biggest consideration here is not pollution from negative energies so much as it is pollution from the sea-salt. Negative energies that are exposed to Mother Nature's elements will disperse and transmute very quickly, but some sea-salts may take a long time to dissolve. A lot of sea-salts are organic and haven't had many minerals and chemicals processed out of them, such as iodine for example. You have to "think green" and ask yourself about location and how the salt might effect the habitation.

The very best location to dispose of used sea-salt would of course be in a body of salt or brine water if that is close by. But not everyone has access to an ocean or briney marshes and may only have access to a small stream or only a dry land with no running water at all. Dumping sea-salt into a small stream of running fresh water may effect the immediate inhabitants of the fresh water, i.e. spawned eggs or smolts, tiny crustaceans, salamanders, water plants, etc. A large and very swift running creek or river may be more acceptable, but one would still need to scatter the salt very widely over the water so that the salt settles to the bottom as individual salt crystals rather than being clumped together. This would allow more rapid dissolving and dispersion of the salts and minerals and be less likely to effect very sensitive inhabitants.

The same thought to location must be considered when scattering salt over dry land - rocky and gravelled areas will have less underground-dwelling inhabitants (earth-worms, insects, rodents) or plants than an area that has growing plants and softer soil. Salt won't hurt rock but it will poison soil and plant roots.

You can't flush the sea-salt down the toilet or a sink because it may effect the septic system (destroys good anaerobic bacteria) and may degrade plumbing (salt pits the pipes and pvc). It may even interact with ammonia in a septic system and cause toxic vapours to develop.

So always think "green" when disposing of salt and scatter it where it will do no harm.


*embla* asked: "I am left with one question only, what on earth can make stones this sick? What can have happened to my herkimer? Is there a way to avoid that your stones get so sick they need intensive care?"


There are lots of things that can cause a stone to get sick. You have to put the stone on your forehead and go into a meditative trance state with it and ask the stone to tell you it's story. Trust in the spontaneous thoughts or images that enter your mind, this will be the stone speaking to you and letting you know what it wants. However, if you start to get a really bad headache during the process remove the stone immediately and put it into salt or earth right away, then try again in 2 weeks. A headache will indicate that the stone is in pain or severe trauma. When you no longer get a headache the stone will be more ready to tell you it's story.

It may have absorbed negative energies from elsewhere before you even acquired the stone. It may have experienced something horrifying that traumatized the stone. - Sounds odd I know, but I've had stones that were traumatized and I've taken them home to heal them of their trauma and during meditation with them I've been told their stories.

It may not be getting cleansed and recharged as frequently as it should be. It may be working VERY hard at healing it's owner but not receiving any healing for itself. All stones need to be recharged, even the stones that nu-agers say don't need any recharging. I don't know where people got the idea from that stones like citrine or herkimers or selenite don't need recharging - that's a total fallacy.

It may be lonely - when stones are not being used most people keep them locked away in a dark box and stones all hate that. They don't wan't to be kept imprisoned away out of sight and out of mind, they want to be an active member of the household and they want to see the light. That's why stones come to the surface of the earth.

It may not be being used or kept for the right reasons - it could be that it has a specific purpose to fulfill which it's owner is not recognizing or is refusing to acknowledge or accept.

There are many other possibilities, each stone is individual and has a reason of it's own. And if a stone cannot be healed then it's owner may have to take the final step of giving the stone back to the earth permanently where Mother Earth takes it back to her bosom for intensive nurturing.


I hate to start out the New Year by posting this way, but it seems that this thread is all about 'blaming the tool' and no blame whatsoever is attached to the user of that tool.

A cake is burned and you blame the oven; you get a bad reading and it's the Card's fault ... the list goes on and on.

So, you wear a Herkimer diamond and all your relationships go kerfllooey - so blame it on the Herkimer. Of course, you did get sound advice about 'curing' the crystal and cleansing and all that, but also sitting naked under a full moon and biting the head off a chicken and letting the blood spill down your right thigh onto the Herkimer - yeah - that will probably help the crystal's problem ~~ but where is anyone saying that the relationship problems you have may come deep from within you.

Perhaps the Herk is magnifying the problems you have, but those problems are within you - not the Herk. So, stop blaming the stone for all your problems and take some time to reflect on yourself.


Crystalwoman, thanks again for all the additional info on stones. The things you say are very sound and down-to-earth. I have to say I am learning a lot from you and I am very grateful to you for that!

Tarotbear, thank you for sharing your perspective on blame in this thread. It can never be said enough how important it is to remain accountable and responsible for all your actions, situations and relationships at all times. It´s not all in the cards ;) I could not agree with you more.

Happy New Year to both of you!