the mystical life of jesus by sylvia browne


The Mystical Life of Jesus: An Uncommon Perspective on the Life of Christ

i am holding this book in my hands,, having read it before christmas.
as i told my mom some of the stuff i was reading in it..the next day on the way back from winnipeg she asked about the psycho,, to which i said mom,, it is psychic.

sylvia says on the back of the book
"in this book you will find many things that will ""rattle your cage, "rock your boat" and "shake your tree"..

so before i delve into a review of the book,,
some of the questions you may ask is ,, why would a psychic write a book about jesus ?
it is to share some of the insight she has acquired from her guide francine over the years.
what is her purpose ?
well from what i read ,, it was to share some of the personal truths she garned through her skills, but also her research.

still it is a book i would like many christ followers to read, if only to see differnt lights on the bible, much like the books i read on historical jesus, and new gospels on it.

some of the things she address in the little front book cover inside is.

is there a virgin birth
was there a star guilding the three wise men.
what did jesus do for the first thirty years of his life,
was he married,
was he divine,
was there a miracle at cana, and who was getting married.
and is there a jesus lineage.

first off,, after the preface, one of the things she says is,,
there was no manger ehehe.
joseph and mary was rich,
that there wasnt' a virgin birth but joe and mary concieved the child together.
that one reasons why joe was confused was because he was much older then mary , and didnt think he could still concieve.
francine her guide says there was a supernova during that time, aka the star, and the three kings were wealthy magi

there is many more points out there she says..
two important points for me was..
the wedding where jesus turned the water into wine,,

and regarding the lost sion,
mary did have children with jesus,,

and the book of revelations was not written by john the beloved but by 7 biships of asia .

sylvia has him going to the east during the lost years..

and looks at the beatitudes and early teachings.
example jesus didn't talk about punishment ,, he was talking about the universal laws of karma.

for myself,
i loved the book and of course i found some stuff hard to believe, but loved it none the less,, as it made me looks at the stories of the bibles in a new light..
and also the inconsistencies within the bible.
example she claims that the story of herod wanting jesus dead, was prefabicated by the matthew author.

some of it she uses the inconsistencies of the bible to make things "hogwash"
but the main thing is not to forget the message of jesus.
that he was a divine being,, he was ressurected,, but she claims it happens at his real death of 86 rather then on the cross,, which was faked.
(here i remember my own insight that he did have a near death experienceon the cross,, but she never mentions one of course it doenst' make it possible )

i think that it represents a lifework ,, and as she nears her end of her life,, she had to write it..
she even says she was just the reporter,, and she felt the hand of god on her pencil, that god was the editor.

there are many more points in it, but one has to read her words throughout in order for it to have impact..
the little points i bring up,, are nothing without her setting up the points and examination.

for me, i give it 4 to 5 stars up.. and worthy of a reread when i am ready.