Tarot of Cat People Two of Swords


Looking at the card intuitively:
Purple is the predominant color on the Swords suit. Often associated with Royalty, power, nobility, ambition. Can also be associated with depression, extravagance, and frustration.

In spite of what movies would have us believe it is very difficult to fight with two heavy weapons. Perhaps this soldier is weighing his options, thinking about past battles and how that experience can help in future battles? His cat on the right is a big husky fellow who looks vigilant and affectionate.

From the LWB:
Balanced force. Harmony, Firmness, Concord, Stalemate, Affection


Maybe he admire the good work done with the swords. Or he have to choose between the two, kind of browsing before purchasing. But for sure, he sill looking carefully and probably want to make the best decision possible
The cat is very watchful. Probably that he want to be ready if the man drop accidentaly one of the swords.

Judith D

To hold up and wield two swords like that you definitely need balance and strength. He looks confident - ready for anything. The two swords look identical - how does he choose between them, and what is he going to do with the one he chooses. The cat looks affectionate and approving as he makes his choice. This is a precursor to action - choose your weapon and use it.