

Which stone would you suggest to a person who has been having problems sleeping lately. My boyfriend is a rather busy person and he usually doesn't get to bed until midnight or later, which is a problem enough by itself, but on top of that lately he's been having problems falling a sleep at all, and his nights are pretty restless, even when he sleeps, he wakes up in the morning feeling even more tired.

Thanks in advance


Hi, I usually would use Moonstone, helps to sleep. Another good one, is Selenite. Hope that helped.



thanks, I'll see how they fit him.


Is there a specific reason that he's having trouble getting to sleep? I keep clear Quartz, because the second I lie down, it's like the floodgate that holds back my thoughts and worries of the day and those to follow releases, and I just can't stop thinking. They're partially due to the extreme Anxiety I have. But if there's something specific that's keeping him up, it'd be helpful to focus on fixing that (in my case, muddled thoughts: Quartz; Panic Attacks & Anxiety: Rhodochrosite, Variscite ((for me personally))) rather than just "sleep" in general; however, I also keep Amethyst, which is commonly used to aid sleep.

My favourite thing to do, though, is use an eye pillow filled with Chamomile, Lavender, and Hops...mmm n_n A tea made of the same, with some honey, is also really nice, but it's important to focus on inhaling the steam as well as drinking the tea itself.


Another vote for Amethyst! Rose quartz also, to bring peace :)


Smoky quartz


Amethyst - it's a good one for getting rid of bad dreams too.


I keep amethyst and Rose quartz on my night stand all the time.


Amethyst, rose quartz and smokey quartz are good. So are celestite and howlite. I keep a little carved spirit bear carved out of howlite beside my bed, there is something warm and fuzzy about howlite (just like taking a teddy-bear to bed).