Ruby Red Slippers & Jewel March 10 to March 31...

Ruby Red Slippers


Just thought I'd go ahead and open our thread. I think this spread looks great and I am looking forward to using it. I tend to read when the Faeries call and I am inspired. They don't seem to have the same time-frames I do - so most times - it just comes when it is supposed to, but I always get it in - in the time frame listed. LOL they have a warped sense of humor!

Is this spread okay with you? Any areas you want to concentrate on? Please let me know.

I'm happy with whatever the Fae want to tell me at this time!

The Gift by WalesWoman


The Gift
1. The Card- the message/your destiny
2. The Ribbon- what ties it together and makes it interesting, adds beauty
3. The Wrapping paper- An obstacle/what keeps things hidden behind attractive deceptions
4. The Box- What protects and contains your gift
5. The Stuffing- What can be tossed out, unnecessary packaging/protection
6. The Gift - your hopes/dreams fulfilled.

May you be blessed with the best the Faeries have to offer you this week *** stay alert for their gifts along the way.



Hi Ruby Red Slippers ~grins~

Glad to be partnered with you this round. Seems like you and I are on the same wave, and read the same way - when Faerie inspiration hits. I am also open to hear what the faeries want to tell, I have no specific area of focus at this time, so their guidance would be welcomed. I also like the spread as is so lets give it a go! My birthday is on Wesnesday so this gift spread is more than appropriate for me at this time!! :D


The Gift Reading for Ruby Red Slippers

Faerie Seekers March 10-31/2007
Reading for Ruby Red Slippers
Spread: The Gift (by WalesWoman)

THE CARD – Geeeeeooo The Slow (43)
The message on the card attached this gift is that life is a process to be enjoyed and savored. It is a gift of time and cycles. Make sure to take the time to smell the roses, and to notice things. You are a very active participant in life, but Geeeeooo says to tell you that sometimes it is good to step back and observe, that we can learn appreciate things by withdrawing every now and then and observing and savoring moments past.

THE RIBBON – The Lady of the Harvest (18)
What ties your gift together, the ribbon, is your ability to adapt to change and to move on. It provides you the opportunity to lives life to its fullest, and not get stuck in a rut or dwell for too long. The nuts or acorns on this card are what stand out the most to me, and I see this as life situations because all or most of them are held by faeries. You know how to take life situations and run with them.

WRAPPING PAPER – Honesty (40)
What keeps your gift hidden behind attractive deceptions is Honesty. This card actually ties in nicely with your “card” and “ribbon” cards, your ability to adapt and move on so quickly when faced with change (sudden or otherwise). At times you hide behind adaptability instead of being honest about your feelings regarding the change, and taking more time to sort through how you feel and what direction you really want to take. You outwardly show how well you have adapted when in truth you have not internally made the transition. Honesty says you need to look deeply within yourself, with soulful eyes, and really communicate with yourself before moving on. Process your feelings before adjusting to new situations. Think before you leap, and make sure it feels right.

THE BOX – The Friends (46)
The Friends protect and contain your gift. What a fabulous card to be enveloped in. You have great friends and you are a great friend. According to the book, should your “box” get shaken up and turned upside down you should combine the energies of your “box” (The Friends) with those of your “wrapping” (Honesty) and things with friends will get back on track and back to normal. These cards complement each other. Friendship means a lot to you. Your box is one of those that you hear of in stories, where a child is given a gift in a box and they think the box is the gift and they are sooooo excited and thrilled about it without even knowing there is actually something inside. Love that box and keep being part of that box.

THE STUFFING – He of the Fiery Sword (4)
Talk about gift protection! ~giggles~ Obviously this Singer is not unnecessary protection, and when you see your gift you will see why ~chuckles~. This Singer is actually a part of you, one of your qualities that moves you to action and helps you wield your will so well. It balances out some of the challenges you have in being honest with yourself, and allows you to accept and move through change as noted in the “ribbon” card (Lady of the Harvest). This “stuffing” IS part of your gift and spreads to your “box”. You are protected and guided by a beautiful soul. Your soul.

THE GIFT – The Fee Lion (65)
You are really gifted at getting things right even if you have turned them upside down and shaken them up first! You may not be timely all of time, perhaps somewhat of a habit of procrastination and “tomorrow-it is”, but in the end the result is just right. You always land on your feet. Some humorous situations arise from your procrastination, as you address them with humor so people waiting on them to be done can’t really stay upset with you, specially when the end result is so well done (worth the wait so to speak). The Fee Lion says to tell you that you are very lucky, it is part of your gift even if you do not see it, but that one day one of these unfinished tasks IS going to bite you! ~giggles~. He seems a little grumpy today.

JEWEL’S RAMBLINGS: Looking at your spread, your “card” and “gift” face the same direction. If you took more time instead of speeding through life you would have less things left to done “tomorrow” ~giggles~. The Fee Lion seems to be sneaking up on Honesty while The Friends fly towards the Fee Lion ready to scoop him up and all of them end up joining the Lady of the Harvest. Again the Fee Lion here is agreeing with Honesty that you need to be honest with yourself when you know things need to be done, and not put them off. However The Friends have a whole different idea and are going to whisk the Fee Lion and Honesty to the Lady of Harvest’s party. This is fun vs. responsibility here something for you to be aware of. Geeeeooo just looks down on the party. Note that He of the Fiery Sword is the stabilizer here, he is not participating in this swirl of action. When you have multiple things going on, and are faced with temptation vs. responsibility, look into yourself as Honesty has asked you to, call on He of the Fiery Sword, think it through and then make the decision. Don’t just act on impulse.

Geeeeeooo and Honesty request that you pay them a little more attention. They say that although they may not be as attractive as the rest of the packaging they would like to be closer to you. The Fee Lion just smirked at them ~giggles~. Thank you for letting me read for you, I hope you enjoyed the reading. I had a lot of fun doing it :*

Ruby Red Slippers

For Jewel....

The Gift by WalesWoman


The Gift
1. The Card- the message/your destiny
2. The Ribbon- what ties it together and makes it interesting, adds beauty
3. The Wrapping paper- An obstacle/what keeps things hidden behind attractive deceptions
4. The Box- What protects and contains your gift
5. The Stuffing- What can be tossed out, unnecessary packaging/protection
6. The Gift - your hopes/dreams fulfilled.

The Card – The Oak Man * I have the feeling you are a very steady/sturdy person at the core of your being. I believe you know who you are and know that you possess all the answers you will ever need. I believe ppl look to you for this quality and you are a helpful person. Sometimes I get the feeling that you would not like that to be the case…that you covet your free time, your alone time. In the Oak Man I see that sometimes you are not manifesting in your life what you want. He reminds you that you have the power to reflect in your life what you want. You are your thoughts. Keep them focused and clear and you can create the situation, event, life you want.

The Ribbon – G. Hobyah * Now this guy coming up here, was at 1st ,a little disconcerting to me. But a deep breathe brought this thought – you get spooked by you inner fears. The boogie man has no place in your life and perhaps this is the year to dismiss him to the ethers. “Off with your bad self – you are not real and you are not welcomed in my mind or my personal space, not now, not ever.” So while he may have some “interesting features” he inhibits the beauty of your life. Fears, trepidations and hesitations, are not things of beauty and spontaneous joy!

The Wrapping Paper – The Singer of Connection * This new faery light is screaming to get out to make the connection in your life. It almost seems that this card and the Ribbon/G. Hobyah should be reversed…but then the fae have their own way of getting the message across and I read them as they come into play. So the Singer of Connection may mean that you have fooled yourself along the way, making the “things fit the box” of your perceptions rather than being open to accept all possibilities. Connect with your inner spirit…the part of you that does not reside in your rationale mind…there is beauty and peacefulness in this connection and that, I think, is this fae’s message.

The Box – What protects and contains your gift * The Laume. Are your wings tattered and torn? Do you bear the scars from your life so far? Laume is so beautiful and serene in spite of her wings appearance. She has weathered many storms and continues to try and see the beauty the reason for all that has happened. You are advised that this is the time to “receive”. All of life is about giving and receiving. You have given much…now just may be the time you learn to “receive” which can be a difficult lesson for a “giver”. This box of your package says you are entitled to take as much as you have given. Learn to be a gracious receiver. Learn this year how wonderful it is to receive and how gracious you can be in making the giver feel wonderful too.

The Stuffing – Ilbe the Retriever Reversed * Throw out that part of you that says receiving is not good and spiritual and part of the cycle of life. Retrieve the part of you that knows this is a good thing. You have given much in life, in many aspects, physically, spiritually and emotionally. Now is the year to be on the receiving end. You will find yourself replenished and will be able to accomplish mush needed “balance” in your life.

The Gift – The Rarr * What a whirlwind you will be in for if you practice the ideas the fae have put forth here. While your world may be turned upside down to some degree, hold on for a wild and wonderful ride. I have the feeling these concepts may seem a little foreign to you, but also may strike a cord with you. I believe you are being asked to step out of your comfort zone and by this action all the things you desire/wish will come true, even better than you could have planned or expected!

Jewel: This reading seemed a little off to me considering the spread…but the faeries and my Guides are telling me it is not. So I am trusting them and sending it to you and hope that you will come back and tell me if they are right or wrong. Even now in my head they are saying It is right – just send it….


OHHHHHH girl you know they are always right!!!! :D

Yeah, it all resonates, but I think my husband is G. Hobyah (hence the ribbon that ties it all together) ~giggles~

I loved the Oak Men, I get them and the Sage quite a bit in readings. Guess I am not heading the message well so they have to keep repreating themselves. I have started really focusing on projecting and attracting what I want. If nothing else, it does help me deal with stressful situations much better and keep an optimistic outlook. That in turn lets me be very solution oriented and get passed the challenges.

It is more like I am the obstacle to the Singer or Connection than it to me, but it came out because there is not a picture of me in the deck *LOL*. A lot of it has to do with Mr. Hobyah most certainly ... creating a balance where I can connect and deal with Hobayah's antics. He has been around quite a bit, my plumbing problem of a couple of weeks ago was one such manifestation of his pranks and creating stressful nightmares for me. But thanks to using the Oak Men message so to speak looks like we will be getting some financial reprieve from the insurance. It all comes down to balance, I balance for a while then go WAY off balance so I can't seem to quite solidify the connection. Just when it is going to connect, here comes another Hobyah moment. If I ever master that I will certainly be a very peaceful person *LOL*.

~Jewel looks at her fins as she does not have wings~ yep they are a bit tattered ~giggles~. I am ready to receive. I am. As you mentioned elsewhere in the reading, I do seem to be one people come to for advice and such, and I do trully love helping, but it is draining when I have a lot of it going on at once, and lately that has been the case.

I can relate to the Rarr as my gift, I seem to make it through whirlwinds, and it helps me deal with how often Hobyah strikes. He does not scare me, I know him too well, but I do wish he would GET OUT AND STAY OUT *LOL*. I hope you are right that this is the year I kick him out. Perhaps Ilbe can help me balance the Rarr as it is quite a budy bee too *LOL*.

Thanks for the lovely reading. It was spot on! Never question your guides or Hobyah might come visit you *LOL*. If he does come visit you, leave him some cheese outside of the house, when he walks out slam the door - that is what I do. That at least gains me a few days reprieve before his next antic *LOL*.

I look forward to your feedback on the spread I did for you. I also found it challenging at first, but the Faeries were urging me on as they did you :).

Again, thanks for the reading. It made a lot of sense to me, and I will heed your advice.

Ruby Red Slippers



Thank you for the reading – it was spot on!!!!

Not only were the faeries on – but your interpretation too!

I tend to charge ahead and Geeeeeooo The Slow is not in my everyday way of living! It is a good thing I have a husband who is Very Good at this as it helps me to keep perspective. LOL

I love the Lady of the Harvest - “I know how to take life situation and run with them”, but sometimes she also reminds me to just be quiet and allow the harvest time to happen – smile through the process without charging full ahead – fixing everything along the way.

Honesty as the Paper – Whoa……I’ve been working on this area. Learning to “Let go” just release it all. I tend to be a quick thinker, fixer. Most times this has been helpful in my life. However, at work, ppl don’t want to move that fast – or they don’t really want a solution…that has been hard for me to comprehend. Working at letting it all go – ppl will believe, think, do what they want and I will rarely know their real motivation. Most times because I think they try to cover it up themselves. Can you tell I work with ppl who covert Power & Control? ROFLOL! I can’t be bothered trying to control anyone other than myself – big enough job!

The Box – Yes, I have had wonderful human, fae, extraterrestrial, guides and angel friends!! They form the fabric of my life, I am grateful to those who have passed through my life, (as I have moved several times all over the USA). They have imprinted me and I have tried to be a good friend too! I believe one of my life’s mission is to boost others egos. I always try to encourage ppl to maximize their good points and down-play their shortcomings – I believe it is the key to success!

The Stuffing – He of the Fiery Sword – so interesting – this card rarely comes up for me…yet when I first got my cards this was My Card. So seeing it here is of great interest to me. Yes, I am protected by a beautiful soul guide. I treasure this guide in my life! He surrounds me without stiffening me – wonderful!

The Fee lion – This is so spot on for my method of operation in life – you are AMAZING!

Thank you so much for the reading! Loved it! Loved being paired with you!!!!
We should do it again sometime!!



Hi there Ruby Red Slippers! :D

Glad the reading hit home for you. I am not so sure that I am amazing, but I do know that the faeries are, but thanks for the compliment.

I wanted to clear one thing though, He of the Fiery Sword is part of YOUR soul, not a separate guide. That is why he has the power to create balance for you in relation to the Fee Lion when he needs to, and why he can exert Honesty out of you when necessary, because he is a part of YOU. Indeed YOUR card.

I would love to be paired with you again in the future, or if you ever would like me to read for you just ask. If I have the time I will be more than happy to.

Keep focusing on your work with Honesty and Geeeeeoooo, hey it might even give your hubby a break! *ROFLMAO*. Are you really Ruby Red Slippers or the Tornado that swept Dorothy and Toto out of Kansas? ~giggles~ I am just playing, no offense or criticism intended. You just seem to have a lovely sense of humor and I could not resist (Hobyah made me do it ~giggles~)