Manga Tarot: Justice


I don't understand this card in the deck.


They guy in plated in gold armor and hold a sword which is about to impale him in the head. Below on the tile is the scale in which the usual justice card has it in the hand of the person. Instead, it's pained on the floor.

I have no clue as to what else to say about this card. It looks like it has to be more intuitive than anything.




He has a stopped sword between his hands. He can't see the sword, but he knew how/where to stop it. So maybe it means that a person needs to know their surroundings, find truths around them or at least take notice of what happens around. It will be difficult, but it is necessary. Then weigh the information you have gathered and determine a just decision.


It makes me think of Damocles' sword. Sometimes, justice is a fine balance. The sword is often associated with air and the mind. So maybe the man is trying to focus and clear his mind.


There are the scales picttured on the ground.
He blocked the swing with his bare hand - eyes closed.
Focus, concentration, perfect timing and precision. Balance.
Think of the martial effort in abstract.

It is not Justice judging.
It is not Justice as a lawmaker.
It is Justice as balance, and danger, because even a little mistake makes tragedy.
It is also Justice as need: doing what one must do.


Alan Ross

RiccardoLS said:
It is Justice as balance, and danger, because even a little mistake makes tragedy.
I really like that! This warrior has to be perfectly balanced, both physically and mentally. He cannot allow his mind to be clouded by emotion. Surface appearances can deceive, so he has learned to see more deeply, even when blindfolded. Doing just the right thing is not always easy. It requires alert awareness, skillful judgment, and courage.