balance spread(or scales spread) whichever you wanna call it


so i was doing readings for my gf and she kept asking for one more spread. then she wants me to come up with one for her. she's a libra, so she's all about balance..... so i came up with this spread on the spot. i did it once for her and another friend of ours and it seems pretty damn good so far, so figured i'd share it.


1 Base, the querent throughtout their life, but especially now

2 Something the querent knows about the present, but is probably not aware of

3 Something the querent doesn't know about the present

4 Hinge point--why they are stuck

5 Positive aspect of choice one

6 Negative aspect of choice one

7 Final outcome of choice one

8 Positive aspect of choice two

9 Negative aspect of choice two

10 Final outcome of choice two

nothing too complicated i suppose, but it seems to work pretty well.


Moderator Note

Jarea's reading using this spread has been moved to the Your Readings Forum and can be found here.

Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused - please feel free to post comments using this spread here, but all readings should be posted to the Readings Forums.


valeria, moderator Tarot Spreads


Thank you for this spread. I'm going to try it out right now.