2 of wands is making fun of me?


I asked today what to do about a certain situation bc I have no idea what to do. I either can WAIT or I can ACT and DO SOMETHING. and what happened I get the 2 of wands! Im sorry but this card drives me nuts. At first looking at the man holding the globe and such I thought ok it means to wait. but this card also means to make a choice or decision between 2 things (which is eaxctly what i am asking which one do I choose) well if i could make the decision I wouldn't be asking! its almost like its making fun of me! If I look at it as well wands mean to take action then maybe it means make the decision to act.

I am not happy with this card today!


I think this card does suggest that you are adopting a wait and see approach. However I think card is trying to say you've pondered long enough and now you need to assert yourself. In RWS the guy has his staff strapped to the wall which says your holding back. Why not pull one card for each choice.

The crowned one

It might be saying you have the power to act or are in a position to act, but it is leaving that decision to act up to you. I would say it is giving you a gentle nudge in the direction of taking action.

ana luisa

What deck did you use?


I used the robin wood deck. Well I am not the most patient person here darnet!


I just looked at the RW image and one staff is almost hidden - maybe you need more information to proceed.


2 wands

I would clearly say you should wait at the moment. If the wands were reversed, that would have sounded like a joke from the cards - but they are not reversed, as you say.

ana luisa

I just looked at the 2 of wands. Do it. Whatever it is. It´s true, you´re not holding on to the two wands but only one so your stance is not one of a person waiting but of someone who is ready to go on a journey. Especially with that globe on his right hand.


hmm...thanx everyone for your views. I think I may end up acting bc Im tired of waiting. I hope its the right decision.


Where is your passion?

ana luisa said:
I just looked at the 2 of wands. Do it. Whatever it is. It´s true, you´re not holding on to the two wands but only one so your stance is not one of a person waiting but of someone who is ready to go on a journey. Especially with that globe on his right hand.
I think ana luisa has the right of it. Wands are about action, about doing something that will lead to something else. Most especially the two-wands says *trust your passion*--or intuition. It assures you that your first instinct is the correct one. Usually, when faced with a choice, we *do* have a preference for one thing over the other. But we're torn between what we feel is right and what we think is right and, sometimes, what circumstances or other people urge us is right.

If you'd gotten the 2/Swords, then the cards would be saying to wait--to use your head and be cautious, compromise, hold those swords steady and don't use them yet.

If you'd gotten the 2/Pents, then the cards would be saying, do whatever is financially prudent or healthy. And if you'd gotten the 2/cups, the cards would likely be telling you to trust someone else's urgings, someone you felt had your best intrests at heart.

Wands, however, are about passion, energy, movement, taking a risk. 2/wands tells you to forget about the caution and thought of swords, to forget about financial gain or loss, to forget about tender or compassonate feelings. Be selfish, be ambitious, be bold--and do ONLY what you can put all your energy into. If you can't give it your all, then it's not worth doing.

The cards aren't trying to frustrate you--they're trying to make you reflect and really understand what you want and how you feel so that when you make the choice you are not (unlike now) ambiguous about it. So that you have no regrets about it.

So if, in your gut, you want to act, then act, without hesitation or fear. If, on the other hand, you're not so sure you want to act, you have no passonate desire to do so, no wish to put your energy into acting, then wait. Where is your passion?

That's the 2/Wands.