crystal book suggestions plz

Guiding Cauldron

hi all i'm looking for a crystal book that has:

pics of crystals in the tumbled and natural states
meanings of each crystal
origin of crystal
what crystal is good for ie: calmness, angels, etc.
what body part its asscoiated with
how to heal with crystal
cleansing crystals
color guide of crystals in case you dont know the name of one you can still find it!

any insights out there i know there are loads of books and i dont want to take forever finding the perfect one.

i already DONT like the crystal bible, so i need to find something different.
sorry if this is a tall order but thanks in advance for any help! blessings x


If you can read French, then Reynald-Georges Boschiero's Dictionnaire de la Lithothérapie, available from, is the best book I own - bar none - on crystals. It has everything you mention and more. I much prefer it to Judy Hall.

Melody's Love is in the Earth is rated, but it has few pictures, but she pictorial supplements (separate books) to go with it.



My favorite is The Illustrated Directory of Healing Crystals~ by Cassandra Eason.
It has most everything you're looking for in it.


I have a few crystal books but this one is the most concise that I have that is at an affordable price:

The Crystal Bible: A Definitive Guide to Crystals

I would say shop around a bit as some contain just metaphysical information and some concentrate mainly on mineralogy, so it really depends what sort of information you want. I like a bit of both. :)


I recommend this...

I have 'The Essential Crystal Handbook' by Simon and Sue Lilly

pics of crystals in the tumbled and natural states
meanings of each crystal
origin of crystal
what crystal is good for ie: calmness, angels, etc.
what body part its asscoiated with
how to heal with crystal
cleansing crystals
color guide of crystals in case you dont know the name of one you can still find it!

This book has a colour guide to it, each crystal has a brief introduction and follows with:
'Identification and care'
'Healing Functions'
& 'Practical ideas'

Each page also has key words relating to that stone however, though it does have pictures, it doesn't show raw and tumbled stones both together just a stone which I suppose represents it best. It also has the chemical symbolism and it has a seperate little section on each page of the crystals with the Colour, Lustre, Hardness and System.

The main introduction to the book starts with the contents where you can find the reference to the stones (once again in colour order)
an Introduction,
'Part One: The Power of Crystals'
Healing traditions,
Crystals and Colours + the Aura
The Subtle Body and Chakras
Ayurveda + Birthstones
The geology of gems: Crystal formation, crystal systems etc
Then your usual how to care for your crystals, wearing them, how to use them and the methods.

And also it fits into my handbag :D

Guiding Cauldron

thanks all :)

i'll start looking up your suggestions thanks a bunch blessings xx