Relationships between the Magician and Priestess, Empress, Emperor, and Heirophant


I was struck with a sudden thought, reading and pondering much of what I've read about the Magician, and specifically how he displays the four elements of the minor arcana as well as being a call to action.

So, then it occurred to me that the four following cards seem to be Major Arcana embodiments of those four elements:


I guess where I'm heading with this is, instead of a consecutive progression through the Majors (a la The Fool's Journey, 1->21) would it make better sense to think of a web of relationships? From the Mage, one chooses a path of action via the four suits, and then, one follows the links to other Majors, which may or may not be numerically linear, or even inclusive.

I guess that also means I better start studying the other Majors to see if the theory fits. :p


Hmmm I might have put it:

HP: Wands
Emperess: cups
Emperor: pentacles
Heirophant: swords

Namely because I usually link the idea of the EMperor with security stability, and the heirophant with mental clarity


Ah. My logic is more on these lines:

-- she is the gateway to hidden knowledge
--she is the wellspring of love and life
--he provides the power and impetus to get things done
--he provides the structure and order of society

Even given our different interpretations, does it seem reasonable that from the Mage to these cards that pathways branch out? What would be the next cards in such a branching sequence?