Folsom Prison Spread (6 card)


I'm a dork! XD
for those who havent heard the song:


1 - Your prison - the situation
2 - The Train - what inspires envy or longing (laid on it's side, neglect reversals)
3 - San Antone - your dream
4 - Your crime - what you did
5 - Your time - what to atone/correct the situation
6 - Parole - How you'll get out of Folsom

Enjoy! I havent tested it yet, so I'd like to hear how it works for folks!


Hi sleepingcat,
I just tried out your spread. I think it was very good. I didn't ask any specific questions other then what is happening now. It highlighted some issues I've been dealing with inregards to my roommate, with a very predictable result. (The time card was the 4 of wands telling me I need to get into a better living situation).

Thank you for this spread. The Johnny Cash fans should enjoy this one.


I just got the most accurate answers with this spread...
more accurate than any others I've ever tried, and I'm always pretty darn accurate! AMAZING SPREAD. I will be using it again! :)