The Way of the Warrior


I made this spread because I'm Wiccan and in a Coven and there are many paths to study but I think it could be used as well for anyone being on their personal path. So Warrior can be replaced by Bard, Healer, Witch, etc.

The Way of the Warrior


1 - What sort of warrior you are:
2 - What you already have that you need that would help your warrior side:
3 - What you are missing that you need for your warrior side:
4 - How you should express your warrior side in a positive way:
5 - How/Where to use in the concrete world your warrior talent:
6 - How you negatively use your warrior side:
7 - How to be a better warrior:


This looks like a good spread. I'm a witch as well but am very drawn by the Bardic Tradition, so I could try this spread to see if that is the right way for me to go. I'll do it when I get a quiet moment and will let you know how it goes.


I like it WolfyJames! Really unusual and explores a different area of life. And, I think, especially important for those who don't feel they can easily master the world.


I like this ! I did it already and here's the outcome:

1.Eight Of Swords
2.Ten Of Pentacles
3.The Devil(Rev.)
4.Two Of Swords
5.The Magician(Rev.)
6.Three Of Pentacles
7.The Chariot(Rev.)

I kinda get the feeling I should avoid having too-high ambitions and standards...
go figure XD XD