The Other Woman Spread


This is a spread I've come up with for the woman who's gotten involved with a man who is already in a committed relationship with someone else. He might be married, engaged, living with someone, etc. And when I say involved I don't necessarily mean that the woman is having an affair with him. She could just be emotionally involved, in other words, she has her eyes on him, but isn't "doing anything" with him. So this is a spread for any woman who has hopes for a serious relationship with a man who is already in a serious relationship. The cards are configurated in a triangle, for obvious reasons.


The card at the top represents the man. The row of cards going down the left hand side of the triangle deal with the querant, who would be the Other Woman. The row of cards running down the right deal with the man's committed partner. Working downwards the cards represent emotions, sexual attraction, negatives, marriage views, and then the future.

Card 1 stands for the man.

Card 2 represents the man's emotional attachment to the Other Woman, his romantic feelings for her.

Card 3 shows his emotional/romantic feelings toward his wife/girlfriend.

Card 4 represents the man's sexual attraction toward the Other Woman.

Card 5 represents the man's sexual relationship with his wife/girlfriend.

Card 6 reveals the things the man does not like about the Other Woman.

Card 7 reveals what the man does not like about his wife/girlfriend and his relationship with her.

Card 8 is about how he views the Other Woman as a possible marriage partner.

Card 9 shows how he feels about his marriage/relationship with his present partner.

Card 10 represents his romantic future with the Other Woman.

Card 11 shows the future of his relationship with his wife/girlfriend.

I'd love to hear some feedback!


Metafizzypop, you have no idea how much of a gods-send you are! This has come along at just the right time for me . . . what's the smiley for "embarrassed"? Okay, I'm bad and evil and The Other Woman. Bummer, hey. I'll try this as soon as I get the chance, when I've got time in amongst moving house. I'll post here about it, in case it's majorly personal.

A million thanks for doing this up!

\m/ Kat


For card #1, would you choose a significator manually? (sorry if that's painfully obvious and I'm missing it.)



Hi, UrbanFool! In my layout, Card #1 is not a manually chosen significator. It's just Card #1, dealt out the same way as Cards #2 and #3 and all the rest. This is the card that will tell the querant -- the Other Woman -- something she needs to know about the man she has her eye on. For example, if the Heirophant comes up, that would probably mean that he isn't willing to cheat on his wife, lol.

Thorhammer, thanks for your kind words. And please don't feel embarrassed about anything. Being a bad girl once in a while can't be helped, and I think it's good for the spirit when it's done in the name of love ;-). I do hope you post and let us know how the reading works out. And good luck with your move!


metafizzypop, I used this spread for a friend tonight, with clear-as-a-bell results! Not sure if it was what she wanted to hear, but the message was loud and clear.

Great spread; thanks for sharing! :)


thorhammer said:
Metafizzypop, you have no idea how much of a gods-send you are! This has come along at just the right time for me . . . what's the smiley for "embarrassed"? Okay, I'm bad and evil and The Other Woman. Bummer, hey. I'll try this as soon as I get the chance, when I've got time in amongst moving house. I'll post here about it, in case it's majorly personal.

A million thanks for doing this up!

\m/ Kat

Hi, metafizzypop, I did it, and the result was so completely depressing that I don't even have the energy to post it anywhere. But I appreciate your efforts, I think it's a great spread, and I'm glad you put it up here. It worked out really well - well, it worked, anyway. ;) Keep it up - this was a great spread, tackling such a taboo subject!

\m/ Kat


I guess it's just the nature of tarot cards, isn't it, to tell us things we'd rather not hear. Thorhammer, I do hope things work out for you.

Satine, I hope things work out for your friend, too.

I've used this spread myself, because there is a married man in my life that I rather fancy. If it's any consolation to anyone, when I asked if anything will happen between us, in the number 10 position, which indicates the future of the relationship, I got the Death card. In fact, no matter what spread I use, I get the Death card. And if I don't get the Death card, I get the 3 of Swords. Sometimes I get both.

As for this being a taboo subject, I'll say that, after posting the thread originally, I thought afterwards, "I bet the married women around here will think I'm a really sleazy character." I just wanted to say that I don't mean to encourage anyone to go after someone else's boyfriend or husband. I posted the thread because I know that sometimes women and men find themselves in strange positions. Things happen. And I am not one to pass judgement.

I'd also like to mention that there is another use for this spread. A woman can use it to compare herself against any other woman around, in "competition" let's say, for a man's affections, in a case where everyone is single. When used for this purpose I call it The Another Woman Spread.

Let's say a woman is interested in a man at work. Kathy in Public Relations has an interest in Bob, with whom she works in the same department. But Bob has been spending a lot of time talking to Judy in accounting. If Kathy would like to know which way Bob's interest is leaning, she can use this triangle spread, also. All that has to change is that the questions should be the same on both sides of the triangle, one set relating to the querant, and the other relating to Judy in accounting. The questions on the left-hand side of the triangle should be the same for the woman represented on the right-hand side.

I hope that everyone gets good news!


wow im not alone... actually mine is a little more complex as Im not sure if he's just hitting a rough patch or actually does have another woman (or its just his work)!? urgh. .....

Barbaras Ahajusts

In the spread I did, this guy hasn't actually met the other female. They had an internet thing for over a year or so.
At the moment, he is in the process of trying to make his marriage work, although they haven't been together in a long time, though.

All three of them are around the same age. Wife is one of his youth and high mantenence. The so called other woman isn't.

I found the spread to be highly interesting, to say the least. But I think another card would clear up if the other female is to hit the road or stay concerning his intrest.

I need to find a female to do this on, too!
