Hermit & 3 Cups


What does this card mean for "someone's actions towards you?" I used the Gilded deck and the Hermit in the Gilded confuses me. A hermit usually goes away and leaves people in order to contemplate. In my Aquarian deck, his back is turned towards you. But the Gilded, it looks like he is coming out of seclusion, because he is facing us. So would that change the meaning of this card combination?

Hermit & 3 Cups...

1. Coming out of seclusion to make a connection.


2. Leaving behind a connection...almost like an 8 Cups card.

Do you understand my issue?


BLFO said:
But the Gilded, it looks like he is coming out of seclusion, because he is facing us.
I don't think the Hermit in Gilded is coming out of seclusion, per se. He's not connecting with other people, he's just investigating the world on his own, at least, that's how I'd see it.

And we need to keep the 3/Cups in mind--3/Cups is usually about siblings or family. So splitting the difference, I would say that the Hermit will come out to investigate an intimate gathering or meeting with folk that they know as well as family, but is likely to stay secluded in other respects.


So let's say a Hermit is leaving his close connections. Would the cards then be 3 Cups then a Hermit?

I am just wondering if the card sequence, especially for two cards combination decribes the first action, or just the overal action between the two cards.


BLFO said:
So let's say a Hermit is leaving his close connections. Would the cards then be 3 Cups then a Hermit?...I am just wondering if the card sequence, especially for two cards combination decribes the first action, or just the overal action between the two cards.
Sure. The sequence would certainly make a difference. I could see reading the 3/Cups followed by the Hermit as someone separating from others, estranging themselves from siblings most especially; whereas Hermit followed by 3/Cups might be a reluctant introvert returning for a small family gathering.

The latter of which would be especially apt during this time of year when estranged loners are sometimes willing to come home for a small, holiday celebration. I think, in fact, that I'd be more likely to take that into consideration, the fact that at this time of year even Hermits sometimes come out to drop off a gift and some well wishes to the family before returning to their solitude.


"someone's actions towards you?"

Hermit/ 3 cups

Perhaps the person is trying to help you to find happiness in your life.