Books vs. No books


There's nothing wrong with what you asked or the way you asked---or re-asked it. :)

There isn't a topic you can bring up here that hasn't already probably been asked time after time after time after time, so don't feel bad about that, either. I was enjoying the discussion, frankly. I can't always say that of all the topics brought up. :)

Don't abandon the discussion or consider yourself to have been out-semanticized or out-anything'd. You're doing very well and I enjoy your posts. I'm sure many other people do as well. I'm for continuing the discussion.

Now where's my literature on Nyquil-Anonymous, anyway? Can't find a darned thing around here with all these darned tarot decks! :bugeyed:


Splungeman said:
How many fish is an umbrella? I thought that was common knowledge. :p
Please share !!!! })

Splungeman said:
I feel like I clearly lack the mental dexterity (and vocabulary) necessary to in any way respond to the above post without looking like a neanderthal by comparison. All I can say is that I *think* I disagree with you. I'm not sure. I don't think I've ever had anything I've ever written so thoroughly dissected, analyzed, and decimated. I am out of my league here. You were going after the usage of the word "can" for heaven's sake! I can't compete with that! Not that I was really trying to compete...

I will abandon this question because raising it has only seemed to make me look like an idiot (I have experience in that the feeling is not new). I mean idiot in the best way of in one who is humbled. Perhaps I did merely use different words to regurgitate an old debate, but I didn't (and still don't) believe that to be the case. And I think I got some responses that provided a little insight into what I was getting I'm satisfied in that regard. Feeling more battered and bruised (mentally) than I was expecting, but hey...I'm probably the better for it...right? Right?

But hey! I do have one bone to pick before I log out tonight! I thought using a silly word like 'glorp' was perfectly reasonable given the negative response to using the word 'intuition'! I had no intention of launching into a semantics debate, so I decided to just make something up. Plus "glorp" is more fun to say than "intuition" or "psychic". Say it right now! Say it repeatedly! See?! SEE?!
You don't look like an idiot at all. I just disagree with you - and why not. So many questions asked here are unanswerable in general terms. One size will never fit all - and nor will one vocabulary. I have had readings pulling in references to kabalah and all sorts - I didn't understand what my readers said about IT, but I could see what they saw when I looked at the cards.... Different routes to the same city are often interesting.

Tarot is funny stuff, and so is glorp (my favoured substance anyway.) If you think you look like an idiot - well, I feel like such an idiot, I ask my REALLY embarrassing questions of people I think may have an answer I can handle by PM.... :|


Disagreeing - rehashing - agreeing - mulling over - reading - not reading - making choices - understanding - misunderstanding - etc. etc.

All this is how we refine our glorp, so by all means splungeman.
When you've had a rest and feel up to it again, do come back and continue the debate. :)

It's called discussing.
It happens on most forums.
No question is to stupid or repeated to be brought up again, and we're all free to ask, re-ask and re-ask again if there is something we want to get our heads around.

It's called growing, evolving, developing, thinking and re-defining.
We all do it, and the beauty of coming together in this forum is that we can learn from eachother, or in some cases not - and instead come to the conclusion that the people we sometimes speak to are on completely different paths than ourselves and hence there's a little trouble in the communications.
Sometimes we'll feel like we speak different languages, even when we're clearly not.
And other times, we'll feel like we're making friends with perfect strangers through a few well put words.


Splungeman said:
How many fish is an umbrella? I thought that was common knowledge. :p

I feel like I clearly lack the mental dexterity (and vocabulary) necessary to in any way respond to the above post without looking like a neanderthal by comparison. All I can say is that I *think* I disagree with you. I'm not sure. I don't think I've ever had anything I've ever written so thoroughly dissected, analyzed, and decimated. I am out of my league here. You were going after the usage of the word "can" for heaven's sake! I can't compete with that! Not that I was really trying to compete...

I will abandon this question because raising it has only seemed to make me look like an idiot (I have experience in that the feeling is not new). I mean idiot in the best way of in one who is humbled. Perhaps I did merely use different words to regurgitate an old debate, but I didn't (and still don't) believe that to be the case. And I think I got some responses that provided a little insight into what I was getting I'm satisfied in that regard. Feeling more battered and bruised (mentally) than I was expecting, but hey...I'm probably the better for it...right? Right?

But hey! I do have one bone to pick before I log out tonight! I thought using a silly word like 'glorp' was perfectly reasonable given the negative response to using the word 'intuition'! I had no intention of launching into a semantics debate, so I decided to just make something up. Plus "glorp" is more fun to say than "intuition" or "psychic". Say it right now! Say it repeatedly! See?! SEE?!

*bursts into tears and slinks away to find some Nyquil and a bed* :D
LOL :D Eek. I didn't mean to stop you asking anything. Questions are the fabric of human advancement! And you certainly aren't an idiot if you can start an interestng debate.

I didn't mean to dissect your question, but if people aren't clear in their use of language then nothing is being communicated. I feel like we're all standing in the dark shouting through walls. I did feel like there was a basic confusion inherent there that you weren't seeing. But as Eco says, that's how a conversation proceeds.

It's not that the discussion isn't interesting or possible, it's just that without clear terms we aren't really discussing anything. We're just patting each other on the back and nodding without knowing what we're nodding at. This Study/Intuition convo is an unkillable beast because of the way these words are understood in our culture...

I'm always happy to discuss ideas and their implications, but let's figure out what some of the words mean before we start slinging them around.
I've got a related question for everyone and I ask it knowing that I'm asking about preconceptions: why do people characterize Study as arduous, rigid, and trivial? Why do people characterize Intuition as something natural, easy, and instant?

In the interests of conversation I'll answer my own question and see if people agree or disagree. I think people embrace Intuition/Psi/Glorping because our stripmined culture fundamentally believes that magic is something that happens without a cost: Make a wish, click your heels, drink that potion, Abracadabra... Instant graticifcation in excelsis for the land of instant gratification. I also think we live in a culture that detests effort: we like what it can accomplish and are quick to praise the showy outward signs, but children have parties at the END of school, tests are something you have to beat, adults will proudly talk about playing hooky or the last time they read a book. The actual process of learning is demonized and ridiculed.

I disagree halfway with Solitaire: I know many members of Western culture believes "every answer can be found in a book," but they believe that because they don't actualy open them. People always situate universal wisdom somewhere that the are NOT, because it takes the bullseye off of them. Books have become this treacherous, scary, slightly painful experience that people have to live through in order to escape back to the land of sunshine and ease. A hundred years ago, people starved to buy a single book and treasured it as something that would elevate their children from grinding poverty by means of education. Today books are on sale every 15 feet and people can barely muster the gumption to read a pulpy novel. If you don't believe me, look at the numbers for the publishing industry. Light popular fiction is what supports the rest of the publishing industry.

Of course, as I keep saying, study is not just bound up in books. This systemic belief goes further. How many children/people say they want to be "famous" or "get rich" but cannot tell you what they're going to accomplish that will produce these rewards? This is the hideous belief in "overnight success" that has been promulgated in the United States to the detriment of our very lives. Since anyone can be a superstar, even if they have no talent, and the only prize everyone seems to universally desire is fame, why bother doing molecular biology or learn to design software? It is this same belief that makes people buy lottery tickets when they can't afford to feed their children. As my mother would say: it's investment for people who cannot do math and it leaves the entire world poorer.

I think the reason I, personally, get so worked up about the perennial Study/Intuition discussion is that I believe that it speaks to a larger willful blindness that everyone tiptoes around which is literally dissolving our respect for human aspiration. How many people understand that a career physicist or obscure historian can have a flash of intuitive genius that will transform the entire world we know it as if by magic?: cel phones, the Bill of Rights, the polio vaccine, electric light, the Rosetta Stone... People prefer to live in a world where nothing can be accomplished because it absolves them of responsibility.

Now, all of this is simply my opinion, and I don't think that everyone does or should agree with me. I just think that everything we say has larger implications: for how we treat each other, how we raise our children, and how the world fits together... I do think people should think about the sources and follow-through of the things they think they believe. This is what it means to be a responsible member of a society. Mindlessly repeating platitudes or repeating lies we wish were true is the way to create the Holocaust of WWII... or WWIII. :bugeyed: Using words without defining them is the way people end up in prison and in graves.

I don't think I'm overstating things here, but I wanted to explain what gets me so worked up in this topic. We live in a world that is being leached of magic by fascist morons and well-meaning dingdongs who think that occult ability is either impossible or universally accessible with zero training. Both of these positions are ridiculous and fraught with peril.

I hope that it's okay to actually discuss these things. These are big questions being asked, however unintentionally. Splunge, I really did NOT mean to make you feel like you couldn't talk about this topic. But I wanted us to be clear, otherwise we would have been talking about nothing.

If Intuition is direct perception of truth independent of any reasoning process and Study is direct perception of truth dependent on direct observation and reasoning... how do they interrelate? I'd love to know what people really think and believe.



Solitaire* said:
There's nothing wrong with what you asked or the way you asked---or re-asked it. :)

One of the problems with really old discussion groups is the idea that if someone discussed an issue 2 years ago that it is not OK to discuss it again NOW. I wasn't here 2 years ago. It is possible that I will have the most important post ever available today. If I'm not allowed to post on an old issue, no one will ever see that post.

Also, I'm one of those people who learn by writing. If I'm not allowed to post on an issue, there will be things I will never realize I know, or will never figure out things I don't know yet.

One of the things I love about this particular forum is that so far I've never seen one of those posts that kill discussion by saying, "We already discussed that! Go away!!" Instead sometimes someone posts a link to an old discussion as an illustration of what has already been said, and then goes on with talking in the new thread.

So thank you for reopening this question. And taking it seriously.


Solitaire* said:
That psychic channel is going to remain closed the more your mind remains closed to anything but what's in the book.
Which book?

Only one? Then certainly everything in your mind (including your psychic abilities) remains closed if that's all you rely on - one book, or one type of book (e.g. only reading tarot books, or "spiritual" books, or new age books, or history books). But the more you read, the more you are able to confront what you read with your other experience of the world - observation, direct perception (intuition), and mystical experiences, including, but not only, psychic ability; and vice-versa. One type of knowledge and experience both feeds and refines the other.


Scion, thank you once again for being a beacon of sanity. Though I may be the only person in the western world who does not support your work - I own no television set.

It pains me that I currently cannot see well enough to read books, except the PDF'd kind on my aging computer, but surgery should put that to rights again (soon).

Never really got the instant gratification thing, but I'm not an American. Everyone I've known who got famous worked really hard at it, and usually found it far more a curse than a blessing once they arrived.

The world has changed. Not all for the better. We seem to have become so democratic that anyone can now do anything, no training, skills, or talent needed.

Reason would dictate this isn't the best of ideas - when anybody can become president, well - anybody does. The only criteria seems to be acting like 'just folks'. I'm very much in favour of everyone having the opportunity to learn, to be able to achieve things in the world; what I resent in this scenario is that's not what's on offer. It's the illusion that not learning anything will get you everywhere. And that bit of pernicious propaganda is just plain evil.

It's all so very sad.


Moderator note.

Hi folks,

Just a friendly little reminder that the topic on discussion here is 'books vs no books' and not whether it's ok to ask questions that have been asked before or not.

Discussing the discussion is called meta-discussion and is not allowed.

So thank you Fudugazi for getting this thread back onto the topic that it's discussing :)
Can we try to keep it there please?

Sulis - co-moderator Talking Tarot


Scion said:
I've got a related question for everyone and I ask it knowing that I'm asking about preconceptions: why do people characterize Study as arduous, rigid, and trivial? Why do people characterize Intuition as something natural, easy, and instant?
I have no idea. Intuition is bloody hard work. I find academic study a lot easier. Yes OK - we can have flashes of intuition, like Archimedes in the bathtub - but when I sit there doing a glorpish reading (I am deliberately avoiding saying an intutive reading as that is another linguistic can of worms here ! - I will go so far as to say one where I do not use generic meanings) sometimes I have to spend a VERY long time with the cards before I get anything.

I can read a book any time, no problem. I am a natural academic.... I know this. I have never, until Simone bit me on the bum, been any kind of tarot reader, and I still feel very much a newbie - but I do know that meanings from books do not work for me. Each of us has to read in the way that works for us, and........


Fudugazi said:
Which book?

See…that’s a huge question.

Once watched a person come onto this forum after they read some books – CC Zain’s to be exact – and the members of this forum tore him apart.

I have a handful here, that if a person read them and then innocently posted, they’d be flayed.

But the Tarot is a book (IMO). It has 78 pages which are not bound. It even has a cover page (IMO) that tells us what it’s about. And it’s a great read! But difficult for many.

Perhaps we should have a list of approved books?

I remember watching the Mel Gibson “Hamlet”. When it was over, a teeny-bopper sitting in front, exclaimed it sucked “I couldn’t understand a word he said.”

Failure to understand does not equal suck.

A. Court de Géblin didn’t have a book. He determined that the Tarot came from the Egyptians. I didn’t have a book when I started, and I determined that Tarot came to us via aliens from the future.

Perhaps we really should have a list of banned books? Should we ban books? Some books? What about the one that says that the Tarot was invented by the Jews in captivity in Babylon, and then came out of Egypt with Moses?

Reading books – is not equivalent to a ‘high ground’ (and no I’m not saying that anybody is taking that stance). :cool2: