4 of Coins as "Intent to Act"


So, how does one act "4 of Coins" --- what do you think?

This, to me, is one of the most difficult cards in the deck. It combines the glorious balance of the number 4 with the wonderful manifestation of pentacles (by far, my favorite suit, because they mean "stuff that's real" to me) but it's not really a "good" card. In fact, in two of my decks (Jane Austen Tarot and Fairytale Tarot), it's a "bad" card, depicting greedy, withholding people from stories I know. Yet the RW depiction never looks bad, nor do the depictions in my other decks that aren't linked to stories. The card pulled in this case is actually rather pretty. So, is it still a bad card? It looks so peaceful.

This reading, by the by, is in the context of friendship and love. I did a "Think, Believe, Act" spread for what someone would do.

In this case, I thought it might mean the positive thoughts and beliefs would be held in and not expressed, but at the same time, I thought that the person would try to provide security, something my querent in this matter desperately wanted. Because I sometimes see "security" in this card, though I'm not entirely sure on that. I know it's a miser card, though, so you'd think it'd be negative... I'm just unsure on that every time I pull it.

This card and the 8 of Cups both trip me up a lot. (Not that they're related, but they both do.)

Any thoughts?


For some reason I can see this card in the context of "intent to act" in a relationship, as setting very clear boundaries...not necessarily being mean or greedy, but recognizing that in certain situations--particularly in relationship issues, there needs to be defined boundaries of "give and take" in order to reach a goal, or maintain balance within the situation.


That would make sense, and it'd go back to my idea of "security" with the Querent. That's essentially what the Querent wants from him. To know where she stands and to have things clearly defined, rather than leave things unspoken, for better or worse. And she mentioned she'd expressed as much to him but hasn't really "gotten anywhere yet." So, perhaps this could mean she's going to get what she wants (again, for better or worse, depending upon the boundaries).


How does the querent define "security"?

As a pentacle, one would automatically think that the security would be one of a material sort (money, decent place to live, even health). But there are other kinds of security.

In the NOVT, the 4 Santeria is Obatala, the Father spirit.


He is the wise male elder, one who is cool and can make judgments accordingly. He actually embodies some of the Sword and Cups attributes...which is why when I first read your post, I got a sense of "feeling" secure (even though the card is a Pentacle).

For those with positive fathers/father figures, the feeling of security was important...and doubly so for those who did not have positive fathers/father figures in their lives. That feeling can be so real as to be tangible...in that way that feelings can take on their own texture and form.

For the purposes of your reading, I would say that the person in question would act in a fatherly sense, someone who is solid, steady, dependable.

I hope I'm making sense.


berrieh said:
So, how does one act "4 of Coins" --- what do you think?

This reading, by the by, is in the context of friendship and love. I did a "Think, Believe, Act" spread for what someone would do.

In this case, I thought it might mean the positive thoughts and beliefs would be held in and not expressed, but at the same time, I thought that the person would try to provide security, something my querent in this matter desperately wanted. Because I sometimes see "security" in this card, though I'm not entirely sure on that. I know it's a miser card, though, so you'd think it'd be negative... I'm just unsure on that every time I pull it.

Any thoughts?


Yeah I can understand that, and for some reason, I was actually thinking it might refer to giving an ultimatum within the situation. She needs to do some negotiating with him, as in: "this is what I can give you, and this is what I need you to give me...or else we need to call it a day".


Aah... she definitely has some 'Daddy issues' (the girl is a friend of mine, and I read for her a lot). So, your answers spoke to me on that level afrosaxon.


The Four of Coins as how someone intends to act could just be as simple as he intends to maintain the status quo. This is how it is, and this is how it will remain...as his intention, anyway.


4 coins as someone acts: boundaries is a good interp:)
If extreme, it can come across as rigidity; someone who wants things to remain as they are - static. Someone who is stuck in time; not future-oriented.


Thanks, y'all. Definitely some interesting perspectives on this card. The status quo thing makes sense, too, except SHE doesn't seem to know what the status quo is. Personally, I think she's creating her own problems in this situation (he's a real sweet guy; just kind of doesn't express himself well), but this card was just a hard read. Though, I do see him as a bit 4-of-Coins-y. So, maybe it just means he'll be who he is.

I told her my "gut" at the time (the security thing), but I just wrote her with some of the "less pleasant" aspects of the card, so she'd be prepared if my "gut" was wrong. I'd rather be safe than sorry, as she is rather sensitive and tends to get her hopes dashed a lot.


berrieh said:
So, how does one act "4 of Coins" --- what do you think?
One holds on tight to what one has and values it as the most precious thing in the world ;)

This card and the 8 of Cups both trip me up a lot.
And, ironically, this is letting go of all that is precious to you in order to follow your dearest dream.