18 Card Tarot Elements Spread


Used this in "Readings Exchange" so I thought I'd post the Spread. I think I made it up, have been using it for years, and a very long spread... it's the 'Stop and stay an hour with a bottle of wine' kinda spread. But I like it if I'm trying to do a general reading.

The Spread:
"Believe, Feel, Think, See, Become"

....................16, 17, 18.....................
......5, 9, 13..........................6, 10, 14
......................1, 2, 3........................
......4, 8, 12..........................7, 11, 15

This spread is inspired by the Tarot itself, and it's 4 suits. Every "group" of the Tarot has a collection of positions inspired by it (though any card can fall in any spot).

--Cards 1,2,3 are inspired by the Tarot Court and represent the Querent.
--Cards 4,8,12 are inspired by the suit of Wands, and they are the role of Belief and Primal Intuition.
--Cards 5,9,13 are inspired by the suit of Cups, and they are the role of Emotions and learned Inspiration.
--Cards 6,10,14 are inspired by the suit of Swords, and they are the role of Thought and Reasoning.
--Cards 7,11,15 are inspired by the suit of Pentacles, and they are the role of Manifestation and Things-That-Can-Be-Proven.
--Cards 16,17,18 are inspired by the Major Arcana and represent Karmic Truths and Advice from the Universal Well.

The 3 cards in each group sort of have Past, Present, Future going on. They're a continuation, and a story to themselves, that together tell the Past, Present, and Future. I read them "together" rather than as separate cards. (I never read P,P,F as separated.)

I use a form of "Elemental Dignities" in it. It's never worked for me to compare cards that are "next to" each other and have them reversed (a 4 of Wands next to a 10 of Cups still looks like a happy marriage to me, etc). But this spread lets me use diminished, blocked, or reversed meanings based on where they appear.

The section that relates to Belief, relates to Wands/Fire, so if a Cups card appears there, I read it as "evaporated"/diminished, reversed, shadow, or blocked. Same if a Wands card appears in the Emotions/Cups/Water section. A Coins card in the Thoughts section, or a Swords card in the Real/Earth section would be the same. All cards are read upright for the Querent and Karma sections.

This is an exhausting spread, best used when there's no specific question. This is the spread that creates the questions! :)


I like it. Thanks.


Thanks for sharing this Berrieh.
I'm looking forward to opening a bottle and spending some time with this one. I've never used elemental dignities; this'll be a nice introduction. :grin:



I prefer big spreads, I use dignity, and I've been searching for something that fuses them both.

Great job. :)


thank you!

i just used the spread that you shared and i really enjoyed it.
it took a while to get through the whole thing but it sparked some needed thoughts.

thanks again