What Do Others See In You?-13 card spread



1—What do they find talented in you?
2—What do they find ordinary about you?
3—What sets you apart?
4—What makes you the same?
5—What draws them to you?
6—What drives them from you?
7—Why do they love you?
8—Why do they hate you?
9—What makes you strong in their eyes?
10—What makes you weak in their eyes?
11—What makes their opinions important to you?
12—What make their opinions irrelevant to you?
13—What do YOU see in THEM?
This is my first fully functional spread. I feel that it is very versatile, and goes into depth about many things. It can be used for any sort of relationship, whether it be romantic, platonic, or familial. It can even refer to the public at large, or a specific group of people.

Input and opinions welcome!

PS: It is shaped like a precious jewel because each and every one of us is a gem to behold, and our flaws only make us more valuable. :)


Lovelovelove it!
I'll make sure to tell you how it goes when I use it, too.
Great job, I love the symbolism.


This looks like an interesting spread. I have printed it out and added it to my tarot journal so I can use it later. Thank you for sharing it! :)


This one looks great! Thanks for sharing.



I'm in the process of using this spread right now. I got some really clear answers and some really muddy ones, but I think that's because the deck I used (Bohemian Gothic) has already told me that it's not going to just give me the answers, but is going to make me work for them.

So I've done the initial reading and am now trying to see what correlations I can make either between the positions in the spread or the cards that came up.

Great spread inuzrule. Thanks for sharing it.



inuzrule said:

I really like this spread in particularly the shape and reason for it. Well done! I'll give it a whirl and see how it goes!


I rather like this spread! I'm going to have to save it for use soon! (I would do it today but not feeling great)

Thanks for sharing! You're off to a great start with creating spreads. :D