Psycards Study Group - 27. The Beauty


This card doesn't really have a conceptual counterpart in tarot, and it is really interesting. It's about physical beauty and romantic love. I suppose it could function as a significator, so perhaps it would be a Court card. I note that it is the first of what Hobson calls the Character Cards--this is a suit I suppose.

He also says it can mean art, creativity, vanity or hardness of heart.

What do you think?

:heart: M_M~


I cant see this card being a thing. I have to see it as representing someone or myself. Everytime it comes up in one of my readings for myself I tend to think I have a rival or someone jealous of me. I guess I never think of myself as the beauty in the card. gee thats quite revealing...


This card used to come up alot in my readings. At that time, I saw it variously as being attracted to appearances/the packaging, a beautiful person, love, a wedding or preparing for one.

More recently, I can see it standing for having an incomplete view of another person or situation, self reflection, and seeing what you want to see.