Rainring Masterclass: set 3 expanded meanings


[The introduction to class 5 can be found at the head of class 5 set 1]

Directory of Meanings Set 3: Balance


1) Sets 1 and 2 were concerned with the psychological situation at the two poles of extroversion and introversion. Whether or not imbalance was involved, these cards dealt with the ends of the spectrum of behaviour, not the middle. Set 3 deals with the centre, with the balance position. No unbalanced mentions apply here.

2) Each card of set 3 must therefore be considered in relation to the two polar cards of the same group: In Spirit, Clarity is the balance between Deflation and Inflation; in Will, Passion is the balance between Control and Abandon, and so on for all the set 3 cards.

19. Clarity: Group – Spirit (1 violet/purple)

The image

We have a jungle scene predominantly in deep blue and pink – the colours on each side of violet. The scene is dominated by a blue tiger, seen from below, silhouetted in profile against the skyline. The blurred or indistinct vision typical of the depths of the jungle is superceded, thanks to an instance of the play of light, by a magical moment of clarity.

The meaning

Clarity is a quality of spirit, and represents the mid-point between inflation and deflation. Clarity, therefore, is seen primarily as clear-seeing in relation to oneself. This means that one has an accurate self-image, exaggerating neither ones strengths nor weaknesses.

At this time, you have a realistic view of who you are. You have been able to step back from the hurly-burly of daily life to take a dispassionate look at your situation. Like someone surveying a landscape from a high place, you benefit from a panoramic perspective. In doing so, you demonstrate one of the attributes of wisdom, for how can one act wisely without ever being able to achieve a clear view of what is needed? With clarity, you are in a position to make sound judgements of the appropriate action to take. If action is being the tiger, clarity means seeing it from outside.

20. Passion: Group – Will (2 red)

The image

The scene is the interior of an old-fashioned gypsy caravan, where we see a young man and woman engaging in good-natured horse-play. He is chasing his sweetheart across the bed, while she defends herself with a pillow. They are both laughing and happy. The predominant red tones of the image, together with the behaviour and demeanour of the participants, make clear that their intensions are sexual.

The meaning

Passion is a quality of will, representing the mid-point between control and abandon, and its central component is emotional intensity. In control, the emotion is inhibited; in abandon, it has become ungovernable. In passion, it flows freely, yet does not become a flood that overwhelms you.

At present, you have passion in your life. Passion is like a vehicle, driven by the most powerful engine in existence – desire. With it you can go great distances, i.e. achieve a great deal. Because you are experiencing a free flow of emotion, it is not in danger of backing up and then needing a sudden uncontrollable release, as with abandon. With passion you have energy, drive, enthusiasm and enjoyment – for love, sex, friendship, work, play, studies… Passion can take you in any direction you desire.

The one limitation is that thought cannot force passion into existence. Educators the world over have tried every stratagem that thought can devise to enlist children’s passion in support of doing what adults want from them – in vain. Passion is only from within, never from without.

21. Relation: Group – Heart (3 green)

The Image

A heavy-set man sits on some steps outside an old-fashioned gypsy caravan, with green hills in the background. Beside him, linking arms, is a small boy. The man rests his left hand on the shoulder of a male companion, who stands next to, and partly turned towards him. This companion has his hands in his pockets, and wears the type of headscarf, knotted at the nape of the neck, commonly associated with gypsies. The relaxed body language of both men, together with the presence of the small boy, suggests friendship.

The meaning

The balancer for Withdrawal and Invasion is Relation. Relation belongs to the Heart group, so is concerned with warmth, affection and friendship. It can be thought of as a way of being with others which avoids the extremes of both withdrawal and invasion – it is the art of being close to people.

With the card Relation, you demonstrate an ability to show warmth and affection in a way which springs from a sensitive attunement to the feelings of another and does not involve any unwanted and excessive incursion into their space. Equally, Relation has no element of retreat – it implies that you are there for the other person; that they can count on you when they need you, as you can upon them. This card also means that you express honestly, both about yourself and about your friend. You would find genuine closeness impossible if you or your friend were practicing self-concealment, or were able only to be ‘nice’ to each other.

On the other hand, a judgemental attitude also undermines friendship. Tolerance, even active enjoyment of difference is a necessary part of the ability to make friends. For instance, for a social activity-loving extrovert to be close to a society-averse introvert will require a lot of give and take on both sides.

22. Action: Group – Form (4 orange)
The image

The image is of a semi-desert scene at sunrise. In the foreground, a Tuareg nomad is attacking a shrub with an axe, whilst in the background we see a goat-hair tent in front of which a small fire burns. Although we do not see the man’s expression clearly, his body language clearly suggests that he is very much focussed on the task in hand.

The meaningAction is the balancer for torpor and hyper-activity, so it refers to a right relation to one’s body, in the sense of correct handling of one’s physical energy. This also implies freedom from whatever forms of neurosis produce either excessive sluggishness on one side or metabolic over-activation on the other. In a wider sense, action is good use of the intelligence of the body.

You are in a position of good balance with regard to your use of physical energy. Whether this involves a rather slow, sedate form of action, or one of high energy and vigour, what you are doing is appropriate to the circumstances. Action is doing, so that you are not in the planning stage, but in the practical one, where things are actually happening. Equally, in balanced action, you are aware – you know what you are doing and why. Your actions are not being driven by unconscious impulses. You do not wash your hands again for the twentieth time, even though they are not dirty: you are not ‘acting out’, but acting.

Again, Action implies an unrestricted flow of energy: if you keep putting off making that appointment with the dentist, there is no Action. Finally, Action in the best sense is well-directed and effective – after you repair the car, it runs again; the map you buy is the one you need for your journey. Action belongs to the Form group, which is that of closeness to, and harmony with the physical world.

23. Soul: Group – Unconscious (5 indigo)

The Image

The image of Soul is that of a vortex, deeper blue at the centre, changing as it rises and expands to include lighter blues, blue-green, lime green and so on. Associated with this vortex, whether wrapped within it or curled up on its margins, are a number of figures which are clearly human, though they have no features – perhaps because we do not want to emphasise their particularity as individuals. One figure only is more identifiable – an adult female, one of whose hands cups her breast.

The meaning

Soul is the balance between Obsession and Possession, and represents right relationship with the Unconscious. Such a relationship implies a balance between the self and what is beyond the self.

You are in healthy contact with the Unconscious. This means that you are open to receiving what it has to bring you, rather than obsessively trying to impose your own agenda upon it. It also means that you retain your sense of self, so that your concern is always to integrate unconscious contents. In this way, you are not swept off balance by the force of this material. Rather than becoming too greedy or inflated, you consciously limit yourself to the amount that you can handle. For example, if you were using drugs as a passport to unconscious material, you would be incurring risks, possibly serious ones.

The card Soul may reflect your contact either with universal material, or with buried material from your own past. The distinction is only partial, because we all share so much of the psyche in any case. To know yourself is to know the world. To ‘have soul’ or be in touch with Soul means that the scope of your actions is broader than that of narrow self-interest, that your desires are deeper than the shallow ones of sensory gratification. In Soul also there is great empathy, for if I not only see but truly feel the pain of the world, how can I not also hurt?

24. Radiance: Group – Self (6 yellow)
The image

It is summer. A blonde woman, wearing a green dress and white apron, stands looking out from a high place towards wheat fields, with hills beyond. She has one arm round a tree trunk and the other holds a large sunflower. Nearby, a baby lies naked on a blanket in the sun.

The meaning

Radiance is the balancer for submission and domination, which means that it involves the proper use of one’s self-vibration. Radiance is the attribute of the strong personality which does not seek to dominate.

You are asserting yourself, but not in a way which tends to override the will or freedom of others. Your strength of character is likely to be felt and admired, but you are exercising it for yourself, not to gain control over others. In Radiance, you do not feel guilty about sticking up for yourself, promoting your own interests, making clear where you stand. You let others know what is acceptable to you, and what you will not tolerate. If anyone has any idea of trying to force or manipulate you into doing what they want you to do, they had better think twice!

Radiance is about shining, and if you want to be a sunflower, the first requirement is to have your place in the sun! People tend to divide into the strong and the weak, with the former intent on taking away from the latter their living space, their freedom…and the weak conceding it. There is an urgent need for Radiance – for those who fight their own corner, are a push-over for nobody, yet have no inclination to lord it over anyone either.

25. Interchange: Group – Communication (7 blue)
The image

A group, or possibly a family of musicians are playing together in the open air. The middle ground is dominated by a man and a boy, both playing drums. They are looking and listening, each responding to what the other is doing musically. In the background is an older man, perhaps the grandfather. He is sitting on what could be the root of an adjacent tree, and playing the harmonica. In the foreground we see only the arms of a fourth, apparently female figure, held aloft playing a tambourine. An air of tranquillity and enjoyment pervades the picture.

The meaning

Interchange is the balance for exhibition and inhibition. Exhibition is communication, but driven by a compulsive personal agenda; inhibition is blockage in communication. In interchange, there is an easy and natural flow to and fro.

You are in communication with one or more others. You may be using words or music, but the communication has a mental and spiritual vibration, rather than being dominated by the heart, physicality or sexuality. You may do interviews, teach adults, work in a team of scientists, play in a band. Or the interchange may be outside your work, reflecting common interests such as cars or gardening…This card shows that you know both how to talk (or play) and listen. Whether your conversations are musical or verbal, there is a sense of co-operation, in which each enriches, and is enriched by, her/his companions. Your relaxed openness means that you both teach and learn through this connection.

Unlike relation, the emphasis here is on a certain content being transmitted – the issue is not how people feel together, but what passes between them – knowledge, understanding, experience, technique… Interchange is about reciprocity, and about expressing.

26. Joy: Group – Conjugation (8 magenta)
The image

A woman in a red skirt and white blouse dances barefoot in a pink room. She holds her arms above her head and has castanets attached to her fingers. A man in old-fashioned breeches and white socks, and wearing a low-brimmed hat, sits to the side of her playing a fiddle. Behind the woman we see a stone fireplace, in which sits an iron cooking pot.

The meaning

Joy is the first realised (balanced) card of the magenta group. It is the place between spirit denial and will denial, where there IS no denial. Like all the magenta cards except the two denials, Joy is a card whose substance can be realised only fully in a future order of existence. What we can experience now as joy is only a fitful shadow of what will later become possible in manifestation (the ‘Earth plane’).

You are experiencing that particular state which we call Joy. It contains within it elements of such feelings as exuberance, gaiety, wonder and delight. It also has spirit content: to be joyful is to experience a feeling of rightness: the sense of participation in an all-pervasive harmony to existence, beyond the self-absorption of normal awareness. These times of Joy are what you need to give meaning to your whole existence. Life offers possibilities beyond work, making money and becoming powerful or famous. You are experiencing such a time, a moment of true ‘en-joyment’. Authentic Joy is a gift – you cannot get to this; but it can come to you.

Joy is the balance for clarity and passion, such that to be joyful in the fullest sense is to incorporate completely the qualities of both. The shadow which at present exists in Joy is cast over it by the pain of existence, into which we shall inevitably fall back. The Joy to come will be unrestrained and unrestricted, because untainted by denial in ourselves or the world. For the time being, perhaps the purest expression of Joy – at least emotionally – that we are likely to see is at moments in the lives of small children.

27. Tides: Group – Quest-ion? (9 grey/brown for white)

[Notice of intention to withhold information.

We have decided to withhold the detailed meanings for all the cards of group 9 until we can publish all this material commercially. We are really sorry for the inconvenience this may cause. See 9 Ebb (set 1) for details

ana luisa

That´s a great new set ! I find the use of colors VERY good and would even risk saying that they alone could carry a great percentage of the meaning! I need some more time to review those. Comments will follow :)


response to Ana Luisa

Hi Ana Luisa,
nice to see that you popped up. I'm happy that you're going to comment these. If my memory serves me correctly, you 've done the set 1 but not the set 2. These three are all linked: if you could find time to comment the set 2 ones also, then I would feel ready to publish your comments on the first three sets as one post on my blog.
I'm working on set 4 at the moment. I'm going to start posting them here right now, one by one. (see forum)

ana luisa

Here are some further insights. i'm sorry I didn't develop too much but my time has been really limited. BTW, is it my impression or this set has a VERY different mood from the previous one? Was that on purpose or is it just me ?
it felt more restrained and less aggressive. And although there are cards that show togetherness, it pretty much concentrates on the individual. Don't know, just an impression.

19 - Clarity
This card got me stuck. The animal is to me the focus of it but it's thin and looks weak. Purple is a spiritual color to me and it seems that because the tiger is stationary and "fenced" by the plants it has been forced to give it a break and review his life/actions. It clearly looks as something that has been forced upon the animal ... Besides, the tiger is "blue".

20 - Passion
This card, on the other hand is quite clear but can have two meanings. It is all about the pillow :) The first one may show a woman who is in love and wants to muffle it and keep it secret from others, hence the pillow. The other one may suggest a friendship that unexpectedly turned into a passionate relationship (probably a homossexual one).

21- Relation
Volunteer work, the needy getting together to fight circumstances. There's a clear indication of hidden oppresion in this card by the attire they wear and the way their bodies are positioned suggest being a bit defensive (hands in pocket, muscular arms, child holding on to woman)

22- Action
This is an amazing card. I love it! However, it really looks as if it would imply hatred. The lady is trying to survive and using her strength to do it but it doesn't show any positive feel or a "let's do it" atmosphere to her actions. It almost feels like she could be cursing God for having given her this heavy burden to carry. A survivor but an unhappy one. Reminded me a lot of Muslim ladies: there's the barren land, the attire and the fact that she cannot change her situation but just make do with it.

23- Soul
A baby is about to be conceived. The shapes are potential souls trying to get a chance for rebirth. Well, I believe in reincarnation, that's why...

24- Radiance
Extremely energetic card. It brings renewal optimism and health. I would see it as an excellent card for all subjects related to suceeding in something. It is a "yes!" card. I got better, I got the job I wanted, the baby is ok now, etc...

25- Interchange
ditto to the meaning printed. it could relate to friends but also a small family (mother/father/son). I was interested in the fact that you used 3s all over it. And three is definitely the number for interconnection. The fact that they're musicians suggests excellent communication particularly referring to feelings and emotions that are shared freely.

26- conjugation
A card of seduction. The woman is clearly more powerful and playing the game, calling the shots. He is dancing to his tune so it's a two-sided relationship but the fact that she is playing the castagnets and he's playing the fiddle reinforces this more delicate X stronger appeals. Besides (and I blush now) the castagnets look a bit suggestive too...

I have to go now. Sorry for not being here sooner. :)

ana luisa

Finally, the Tides !!! This is a VERY positive card. The man is braving the elements but he has all the chances to master them and come out unharmed. The water stands for emotions so he may be facing a highly turbulent period in his life but his clothes show that he can keep inner peace (blue close to the skin) and that he will continue showing optimism to others (yellow raincoat). He is very confident and is facing the wind so this moment of turmoil may clearly be a consequence of a major change in his life. Doesn't necessarily mean in the emotional realm but something big that will rock his boat a bit. To see the nature of this change, one would have to look at surrounding cards.