Rainring Masterclass set 4 card 29: The Wanton


29. The Wanton: Group – Will (2 red)
The Image

A young, very sensual woman sits alone on cushions next to a low table. She has the body of a dancer, and her eyes give the impression of her being in a languid or stupefied state, perhaps because intensely felt sexual desire distracts her away from the outer world. With her left hand she reaches to pluck a fruit from a bowl on the table, whilst her right hand, which holds some kind of ornamental feather, also lifts her red dress, showing some of her upper thigh.

The portrait

The Wanton is the woman of will. She is sensual, passionate, vibrant, exuberant and dangerous to know: the scourge of men and the nightmare of other women.

Her type has been so heavily repressed that we seldom see such women living their inclinations with any degree of freedom in the public arena.

You know what you want, and are prepared to do what it takes to get it. What you want is pleasure, fun, enjoyment, laughter, dancing and of course, sex. Because yours is also a polar personality you, like the patriarch, have the power to move people. But in your case, the source of your power is not mental but emotional. You are someone with enormous energy and zest for life. Your vitality, like that of young children, is the outcome of your pursuit of pleasure, your determination to settle for nothing less than what you want. You offer others the opportunity, in your company, to throw caution to the winds and to live a high-octane, moment-by-moment, intoxicating existence.

Your passion for sex is in fact an urge to be penetrated by spirit. As the polar opposites, you and the patriarch are fatally drawn to one another, though you can never overcome the polarisation between you. You are a very unstable marriage partner, because you have too much raw power to be contained by one man. In former times, you would have been broken in by constant pregnancy throughout your child-rearing years. In a contemporary setting, it is not obvious how you will find fulfilment in monogamous marriage. Finally, there is a surfeit of fierceness in your character: you shine with great intensity, but fitfully. You lack the resources needed to deal with the mundane, routine aspects of existence; being volatile, you are unsteady. And although you will fight to the death when cornered, you lack the self-confidence needed to shine steadily, to hold your space, in less extreme situations.

Divinatory meanings

being in touch with your emotions; doing what you feel like; living in the moment; ignoring convention; throwing caution to the winds; pursuing your desires with great intensity, including sexual ones; being unstable and temperamental; blowing hot and cold; lack of realism; polarising a situation away from sprit to the will side of the equation.

ana luisa

The wanton is to me all about the senses. I particularly dislike her attitude. She's not only laidback but lazy!! I think what bothers me is that it feels like she is a bit of a self-centered individual. Something like "if I feel good, then, it's all well". Hedonistic. The red dress reinforces the indulgence in sexual pleasures and strong emotions.The fruit would stand for eating: depending on the feel at the moment of the reading, this could warn against overeating but generally, it just shows a person eager to "consume". The cushions on the floor show her need for extreme comfort. That is interesting, while writing about overeating, I realized this card is so much about pleasure that it could never represent bulimia. Eating disorders wouldn't/couldn't be categorized as "pleasurable" so they would have to belong in another card.