

so i wonder if this card refers to having sex since she is pregnant on the card...
in a question in about a potential relationship asking what they want from you and getting this card makes me think they want sex!

any thoughts or am i completely off the rocker???


You might well be right with what seems a logical thread of thought and i would find this difficult to argue against.


it could also signify that they want a family, or marriage, or they may want the querant for their money and lifestyle, as with any card which deck you use is a factor


Certainly it can be sex. The Rider-Waite deck assigns Venus to the Empress and that means that sex is in the picture. But if it's the Empress, it can't be just sex. You'd be more likely to get something like a Wands card if all that what's wanted was a night of passion.

The Empress is about creation in much the way that an artist creates a masterpiece or a gardener tends to prize rose bushes. She isn't sex in a quick, hot passionate evening. She's going to take her time with the sex, building it up, step by step for weeks, maybe months. So maybe it will start off casual, but that's not going to be the end of it. The Empress will want more, and each more will take it a step further, the levels intensifying until the sex has matured into something glorious and beautiful and sublime.


You don't mention the genders of those involved, but you did say this is what the person wants from YOU. Could be that the person wants to get pregnant - for you to transform them into a mother. Or they want good home cooking - just like mother used to make.

To simplify, let's put it this way: This person wants the Empress from you. They want love, attraction, sensuality, nurturing, fertility, beauty, graciousness, luxury, appreciation of the finer things, an aesthetic sensibility.

I agree with Thirteen, although if it was just raw sex I would expect something more like the Tower. If sex means a nurturing sensuality then it could be the Empress, but that leaves out so much more that the Empress signifies.



It is the mother card (in many cases)...so:

Maybe he would like you to be more nurturing to him.

Or maybe he would like you to act more maternal to your children (if you have kids.)

Or, if he has kids, maybe he would like you to act maternal to them.

I don't really see the Empress in this position as someone wanting sex. As Thirteen said, I would think that would be more Wands-like (or even the Devil.)


Good healthy sex which just goes on and on, and good healthy cooking which never ceases and all those lovely luxuries that make life worth living.

So lasting sex not a one night stand type sex.


I was thinking maybe something along the lines of the nurturing idea that ssn brought up. He may want the psycho-physical melding that sex brings, maybe in order for him to feel comfortable enough to move in that direction. The empress has the goods, now what can you help him with? Maybe you need to scratch him in the right place and get his leg kickin.

The crowned one

I really like what thirteen and Teheuti say.

For me in a nut shell they want nurturing, that takes the "Sex" out of it.

She may just see you as a productive sort of person emotionally speaking: on one end of the scale a beautiful thinker. I guess at the other end is sex for the reason of children, but with beauty and passion I would think with the Empress.

The Empress with the devil would be very hot sex, the second time around...and third and forth.

With the tower, passions uncontrolled, likely with a married person once only but the damage is done.


The Empress is the primal life force, and that does come down to sex---but healthy, nurturing, loving sex. When I see her as sex (which I have on several occasions), I always see her as "sex with love" or "sex with healing." She wouldn't be a tryst or a destructive sexual relationship---she's where sex becomes freedom and pure love.

It doesn't have to be sex, of course. The two keywords that have to stay with The Empress, in my opinion, are nurturing and creation. So, it could be anything that involves nurture and creating something.

I consider her energy a great foundation for a relationship.