decks that would be good for a 12-yr-old girl?


I recently got a Manga tarot deck for my 12-year-old daughter. She loves it, but she's a little frustrated by the minor cards, since there are just appropriately numbered cups, wands, etc. and no actual pictures. I was wondering if you guys could give me some other ideas of decks that would be good for a 12-year-old (very innocent) little girl. She hates all my decks that "have naked people all through." haha. She has recently gotten quite interested in doing tarot readings, and she amazes me with it. I'd love to get her another deck or two that would be more her style (and age-appropriate). Any ideas? Thanks!! :)


Hanson Roberts tarot seems to me like it would be the perfect deck for a 12-year-old girl. It has fairy tale type images and no nudity at's a very nice deck, seems pretty easy to read and is one of my favorites!

Oops! Forgot to mention that the minors are fully illustrated as well...

The Vanessa tarot is also another nice one for a pre-teen girl which is fully illustrated as well with no nudity and is easy to read....

Ya can't go wrong with one or both of the above! :)


My pick would be the Hanson Roberts too...... my 17 yr old has the manga aswell and at first she wasn't too fussed with it but now she really enjoys it.... perhaps in time your daughter may get to liking it :)


Yep, Hanson-Roberts is what I'd suggest for her, too. Lots of symbolism, beautiful art work, no nudity---just a great deck for a pre-teen.


What about the classics like Morgan Greer or Aquarian :) ?


If she likes manga, the LS Manga would be a good choice. It's not as girly and pink as the other Manga, but it has the flavor!


Witchy Tarot , Hanson Roberts , Robin Wood, Connolly...


My daughter who's almost 9 has The Hanson Roberts, The Fey Tarot and The Vanessa Tarot and she loves them all but she prefers Fey and Vanessa.
She uses both mainly for making up stories and they're both really good for that because they're filled with interesting characters.
They're both quite girly too.

The Hanson Roberts is a lovely deck too, there's no nudity in it and it's small. As it's a regular RWS clone there are loads of books she could use with it and the women in it all look very pretty; my daughter seems to make up princess stories a lot with this deck :).


It's so strange, isn't it, how girls can be so different...

My niece, 12 years old, is sweet and innocent...

My step-daughter, 13 years old going on 35, is all goth... nothing sweet or innocent about her at all... Alas, she's still so naive, tho, that I have come to the conclusion that all this pseudo, 'Hot Topic' goth stuff is actually what I now prefer to call: 'My Little Pony Goth', *lol*

In any case, I have sent to my niece the 'Whimsical', the 'Vanessa', and the 'Tarot of a Moon Garden'... all of which she adores... and can actually use, *vbs*

My step-daughter, however, (having gone thru all of my decks), announced with much disdain that she, herself, required something 'dark'... Alas, I took her to the 'Vargo' site so she could see some 'dark' cards for herself...

Now, I'm in the kitchen cooking dinner (but our computers are right next to it), and she's asking me every two minutes: 'what does this card mean, what does that card mean?'... I say: 'what does the card feel like to you? what does it say to you? what's the first thing coming into your head about it?'... To which she responded: 'nothing really, they all just look the same... I don't feel anything about them... they just look cool'...

It was at this point that I took out my trusty 'Universal Waite' and told her to match up the cards she was seeing online to the deck I put in her hands... Well, my-oh-my, what a difference that made... She could actually read the 'Universal Waite', but couldn't make heads or tails out of the 'Vargo'...

Hence, she's playing with the 'Universal Waite' now...

Another lesson in 'all that glitters is not gold', *lol*

By the way, I sent my 19-year-old nephew the 'Baseball Tarot'... Now, he's not into anything of this nature (divining, fortune-telling, etc.), but baseball is his life, so I thought, what the hell... He LOVES them! and, more importantly, can read them, *vbs*

Sorry for all the rambling... your inquiry just struck me with the vast difference between the two young girls in my life, *s*

morticia monroe

The Baroque Bohemian Cats could also bee a good deck for a girl that age if she loves animals.