Difference between Tarot and Oracle

Shadow Wolf

Is there a big difference between Tarot and Oracle cards.

I saw the Fairie Oracle deck last night, and was wonder how
it differ from tarot, are reading done in the same way ????


Hi SW, check out the Study Group on the Faeries Oracle that we have here... it's been great.

The biggest difference is the # of cards. The biggest difference with Froud's Faeries is that they really come to life for you! You start noticing them and thier influence all over your life. They are quite surprising.

R :)


I agree with Rhiannon the oracles i have worked with ( medecine cards and the fearies) are working with real energies! Tarot for me is working with archetypes.


i second this!!!

i just love my faeries and my animals...they bring so much to your life...i couldn't life without them anymore ;)


i really love my faeries! and hope they don't get upset with me for saying this, lol. but....

if i had to choose only the tarot or another kind of oracle deck, i would choose the tarot. the tarot has stood the test of time and seems to cover a broader range than other oracle cards. the other cards can be very good for some specific types of readings.

i find the faeries to be really great at getting at what's going on in your head. they are also good at giving personal advice. ..... but the tarot, imho, can be used for any kind of question.

glad i don't have to choose ;)


hey all,
i have split this thread. the posts regarding 'daily oracle draws' are now in their own thread.

bright blessings,
moderator, divination forum


different readings...

Hi all,

My 2 cents.

Both the Tarot and the Oracles are great..but I use the oracles when I need sound advise on phylosophy stuff and tarot when I need a def. "this is gonna happen when".

I think I probably just need to give one of my oracles a little more attention..

blessings and good reading
