question on the empress

mariaalaina the "where he would like the relationship to go" position...i got and get the empress does this mean he wants me to have his babies? hehe


Well the outcome of any intimate relationship can well result in having a baby.
But I would say not necessarily for the Empress represents much more than that. An Empress would have many ideas for her nation and if of the Empress archetype, for her family and those she loved.

She would know how to bring about change while nurturing and would be adamant enough to be insistent on it happening. If one way did not work, she would try another. She is an Empress after all, not someone to fool around with and while she would be kind I don't think the Empress would tolerate too much nonsense. You could say she would be "pregnant with projects and ideas".


I look forward to the responses regarding this as I asked a very similiar question and threw the Empress :)


Like memries says, the Empress is in a position of authority and she's also used to running things. So is a man's mother. He could be looking for someone to stand in the position his mother used to take. That of cleaning his house, picking up his messes---not just dirty clothes but also getting his scrapes cleaned up like dealing with traffic tickets, bailing him out of jail for drunk driving, paying his bills, holding a job if he doesn't have one, and just generally making his life easier so he doesn't have to take responsibility.


I second what Solitaire writes. The Empress symbols nurturing.

(I am aware that this is quite a negative look on things, and not Everything that can be said on the matter.
I am also aware that very often things, especially in relationship readings, are glossed over, so I think it's ok and necessary to point out the dangers, too.)


Good one Solitaire. True, never thought of that. So very true. If one is willing than you get the job right ? Been there, done that.. more or less but it is a good everyday interpretation I mean really, how many Empress' are there in our lives. So it must be brought down to a more everyday level in order to apply the card.


thanks guys....makes sense! it helped to take this card down to the everyday realistic meaning. I have a hard time reading myself,so i NEVER do, but today i just had the urge. =]
i never thought of him wanting this kind of woman lol...but i guess he sees it in me! funny


Well, he may or may not see that in you. Tarot gives you insights so that you can watch for the signs in real life of what a card may mean. If he's seemed to put you in the place of a mother figure, then that's why the card keeps coming up for you and you can heed its warning.


well now that i think about it...i DID NOT ask how does he sees me! so actually this meaning does not make sense. I asked "where he wants the relationship to go"
so maybe he wants it to "grow"?


The Empress is the ideal woman for a man. She is Venus, Aphrodite, Oshun, Isis. She is both lover to him and mother to his children.

She also represents growth, nurturing and mature, happy female sexuality. So he wants the relationship to grow and be nurtured. As an event, rather than a person, it means a time of sensuality, deep sexuality too, but linked to emotion. He wants a sexual and emotional relationship. And he wants it to grow, definitely.

She differs from the High Priestess, another great female archetype, in that she is open and not mysterious. So this might mean he wants to know where he stands, he doesn't want too much mystery and mysticism - he wants a good earthy relationship. The Empress is the Earth, too :)

As the female counterpart of the Emperor, she represents stability - but the stability of nature, which is stability in motion: so he doesn't want a stultifying relationship, or necessarily conventional, but he does want some stability and security.