Bosch 5 Pentacles


A strange creature with a very long nose (like a clarinet) is about to step to the left of the card. His/her legs are bent ready for movement, he/she is on tippy toes. What could this mean? The figure himself (for sake of argument :)) is facing the right of the card, however, with a stick (fishing rod?) with four pentacles attached to a line. One pentacle remains on the ground directly infront and between the figures feet.

I can't decide if he looks shifty or not. The tippy toes and look on his face seems to suggest stealthy movements as if sneaking away from somewhere with the pentacles. The eyes seems to be squinting, perhaps looking at the pentacles that have already been caught. It seems significant that the creature is not looking at the remaining pentacle on the ground. It must be obvious to him as it is right in front of his feet and yet he looks away or towards the already caught pentacles which seem to take all the room up on his line.

Perhaps as he is stepping away from the pentacle on the floor this is a cautionary card not to be too greedy, but accept the gifts we have been given, they were deserved. Presumable he caught the pentacles himself if he "fished" for them.

The figure has one naked leg showing from under his clothing - slightly vulnerable? He is holding the rod with two hands as if it is heavy over his shoulder, perhaps this is why he looks to the right of the card, straining with the burden of what he is carrying.

Perhaps all the money has become a burden and he is deciding whether or not to leave another one behind as he has with the one on the ground.

The lwb states that this card is about "temptation" and that what is not one's own blinds us to what we already have. - similar to the greed thing I was suggesting.

Any other ideas would be appreciated.

Love Fluff