Tarot of the Crone-4 of Wands


The keyword for this card is Command.

She is commanding the power around her.

Fours relate to The Emperor, they are the pause after the initial creativity of the three. They are the time when you establish boundaries and foundations on which to build and move forward.

Here we have the element of fire combined with the number four.
Fours, as I've said are about boundaries and fire is one of those elements that can easily become hard to control.. Fire destroys and transforms so it needs to be controlled so that it can be used.

Here we have a figure who is controlling the fire she's working with. She looks to me as if she is directing the energy towards a goal.. This image almost looks like a cone of power used in magical work.

This card is much more active than most Four of Wands cards I know. She has raised the energy with the three and now she pauses and directs it with the four.
It's a stable card, she looks safe within the boundaries she has made.