Da Vinci Enigma - Knight of Water


Knight of Water

I wanted to share my experiences with the Knight of Water this week, as he has appeared for me three times so far this week.

When I did the Destiny Spread with this deck, I had only one disconnected card (where the back wouldn't match up with any of the others), and it was the Knight of Water. Being the disconnected card, this represented a way in which I was sabotaging myself.

He was situated to the right of the large set of connected cards, and as he is facing to the right, it appeared as if he was running away from the other cards. The drawing of the knight is very dark and detailed, but the horse he is riding on is barely visible. Just a few lines making up a very faint outline. I saw this as running away from the situation on a horse that is barely there - going nowhere fast. He has his heart in it, he's facing where he wants to go, but he isn't getting very far.

The entire reading was about a situation I'm in now, what I'm trying to balance in my life, and the potential available to me. The Knight of Water represented the obstacle holding me back from reaching my potential. I realized that he was telling me that I have all these ideas and dreams, but I'm not getting anywhere with them, because I'm not doing anything about it.

The bridge card I drew to connect the Knight of Water with the set of connected cards was the Ace of Air. The dimmi question for the Ace of Air, “What are your intentions?”, made me realize that I didn’t really have any! These two cards together showed me that I needed to connect my idealism (Knight of Water) with real life ambitions, and that I needed to be clear and precise (Ace of Air) about what I want, and create deliberate steps to achieve it.

A couple days after the reading, this Knight came up as my daily card, reminding me to get my rear in gear, because I hadn't done anything to make progress. Then the very next day, I drew him again as my daily card. It was as if this deck was literally watching me, and calling me on my inactivity! This second day, I read the dimmi question for this card: "How do you feel about this?". And to answer, I felt quite frustrated, because I was having a hard time overcoming my habit of procrastination. But I knew he'd just be back the next day if I didn't do something, so I did... I took a tangible step in the right direction, thanks to the persistent Knight of Water riding my tail about it!


This Knight came up yet again for me today! That makes four appearances this week...three daily draws plus once in the Destiny Spread earlier in the week. (I think he's got a little crush on me. :p ) He has been such a powerful companion to me this week. Today, though, he wasn't running from something. He was riding toward something, so it changed the meaning quite a bit.

The card he was riding towards today was the Five of Water, which appeared for the second day in a row. The Five of Water literally got my gears moving yesterday, and it was the card that the Knight had been leading me towards earlier in the week. So they showed up together today, acknowledging the progress I have made. The daily draw ended with the Ten of Earth, which asked me what I have inherited from these two cards, and in what manner they have paved the way for this new foundation in my life.

What a great deck! It has so much personality!