XIII Death


"The Universe is change, every change is the effect of an act of love; All acts of love contain pure joy. Die daily. Death is the apex of one curve of the snake life: behold all opposites as necessary compliments andd rejoice" Aleister Crowley.

Colour: red
Astrology: Scorpio
Herbal: damp earth

Hebrew-NUN- is the archetype of all individual and corporeal existance. The offspring of woman; a child, any fruit what so ever, every produced or reflected being.

Rune-SOWILO-a Rune of transformation. Reasson for hope. Concentrate on goals to bring success. A Rune not to overcome others, but to strengthen self. Reveals that which is hidden. Honour, luck, protection from hostile forces. Educational undertaking may or should be on the offering.




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isthmus nekoi

Death features the Scorpion and the Eagle, both symbols for the astrological sign of Scorpio.

Scorpio comes late Oct to Nov: the time of harvest, of death, of culling the weak from the stock. And Halloween ^_^ The sign itself symbolizes regeneration, transformation, intensity.

This is the card that made me stay away Thoth for a year!!


Hi I am new to aeclectic and thought I might start contributing something to this thread.

With the death card I sometimes feel we have taken some of the meaning out of it by giving too positive an interpretation of it. We all know that death does not literaliy mean death that more often it means drastic transformation. I feel that this transformation always involves some loss, some element in our lives dies. For example Women sometimes draw the card when pregnant with their first child because a way of life is about to disappear as a new one takes its place.



Death Draw

I drew the Death card this morning in the 6th position of the CC and I was happy to see it - change to me, drastic or not, is exciting and I look forward to it. The sun always follows...

