Das Lied der Rohrigen - The Magus


I love the way he looks me in the eye, his face cradled in his hand reminding me somehow of Rodin's Thinker.

It is the opening of his third eye that really grips me, encouraging mine to open too. I know he is willing me to take my first step towards spiritual enlightenment and self-development. Towards realizing my connection with my higher self.

Wielder of the rune, Ansuz, whose gaze sees into my soul, he is perceptive and intuitive. Suddenly words spill into my mind, unbidden. He whispers that I can learn to control myself and the elements of my universe.

Genius, confidence, steadiness, he tells me wordlessly. I acknowledge his wisdom, my wisdom, the wisdom that can be ours, all of us who share the human condition.

This is the beginning of consciousness that brings the awareness of existence which the Fool didn't have. The face that looks at me personifies this primary act of consciousness in the throes of recognizing itself.

Is he just a little too self-assured? I wonder. No, I decide. He has willpower, indicating that self-mastery can also be mine, if I believe that I am 'created in the image and likeness of the divine.'

I look at the eyebrows that are not really his, but an owl's; a symbol of the wisdom that is his, that is ours, if only we take the trouble to hone the skills that we either have naturally, or can acquire through diligence and perseverance. Wisdom to be flexible when required.

I become aware of my incredible potential, and of the gifts in others.

The foot... with its achilles heel..., does it signify that we must beware of hubris? Or does it represent the first step that we willingly and knowingly take on the path of self-awareness, when we are past the insouciance and 'unconsious' state of childhood?

Food for thought(s)... Let me hear yours, dear friends... :)


You really do have to scrutinize some of these cards to find the significant symbolism, partiularly in the majors. Having gone over the card with a magnifying glass (literally) I think this card oozes potential. Its in his look and the symbolism.

The Magus - has a very concentrating look on his face. He appears to focus on us, the observers. He has a magnetism which is quite powerful and its difficult to take your eyes away from his. His look is very willful, almost hypnotic. I'll bet he can make us do whatever he wants. This fits with the trickster side of this character. He's a smooth talker!

I like the spark which just explodes from his head. I think the connection is with the Crown chakra. The Crown chakra is associated with the brain and with consciousness, with energy, communication and spiritual connection. The colours white and silver are also symbolic of the Crown chakra.

There is a cloud floating on the right hand side low down which I havn't quite worked out the significance of. Just below the cloud is a burnt area which looks like paper that has been ignited and is smouldering. The potential for creativity. The spark can lead to a full blown fire though, but not in this card, its controlled! Creative energy which has been ignited. His look is sort of smouldering too! The screw head is interesting as well. Does it represent his skill, or tools of the trade? A reference to technology? The ability to 'fix' or 'create'?

I read somewhere that the magician can mean 'body language' and that is quite a good description for this guy. He oozes will, concentration, magnetism, potential and attraction, just from the way he looks at us, with his head held in his hand. The hand - action, doing, creating, movement.

Great card!



Great card indeed, dear Jewel-ry! :)

I love to read your insights! You have focused on the less noble side of him, (of us?): The trickster, con man side, and I find it thoroughly refreshing.

Plus..., I learn from you that I must take out my magnifying glass and start paying attention to detail, which I should be doing more of in my own life, actually. :laugh:

I'm going to ponder your words, take another look at this magus, and return... You have given me food for thought. Bless you! :)


The Magus

He is mesmerizing, he relaxes his head in his hand and just stares straight through me, while wearing a 'mona lisa' grin.

An intense starburst explodes at his crown showing where all his energy is focused, (in thought and the mind). It's as though he is reading my mind and seeing through me. His 'eyebrows' are those of an animal (an owl? a wolf?). This says that he has animal instincts, like quick reactions and alertness. Trump two usually shows the lemniscate above the Magincian's head - meaning infinity. Here, infinity is portrayed by a star explosion in space. It's a powerful card as the Magician holds the power.

I think of this card as comparable to todays magicians, and showmen, or a hypnotist. He is trying to read my mind or perhaps even change my mind and control me. He can 'will' others to do things by telepathy.


Moonbow* said:
The Magus

It's a powerful card as the Magician holds the power.

Wonderful, Moonbow*!

The power that can be (is already) ours also? :)


This card makes me think of inner concentration and contemplation. He looks like someone who has spent a long time concentrating deeply, chin in hand and then- pow- he "gets" it, his thoughts take wings and a mental supernova transpires. Now his idea can have an impact. It is clear, focused, original- it has power. Now he can write a story, create a piece of art, prepare a dish, film a movie; whatever material manifestation is necessary. But the prime moment is this first breakthrough of will- say the will to paint "something"- into a concious mental form; the great "aha", after which the actual transfer onto canvas can seem magical. "Where do you get your ideas?" He will only smile enigmatically. He doesn't will them into existence, but he wills himself into the state of being able to conceptualize them into a form transferrable to the concrete. He did not give himself the ability to appreciate a beautiful woman, but he can will himself to conceptualize just how certain brush strokes of certain thicknesses of paint can mirror "beautiful woman" to the world.


galadrial said:
He looks like someone who has spent a long time concentrating deeply, chin in hand and then- pow- he "gets" it, his thoughts take wings and a mental supernova transpires.

Delightful notion, Galadrial: the notion of the Magus "getting it"!

Would you like, or be willing, to lead us to the next Rohrig card with one of your choice, Jewel-ry, Moonbow* or Galadrial?



Moonbow* said:

I have to remember to go to the Aeclectic fora to check what's new, and not just the threads "I'm watching", :laugh: That's what comes from being relatively new, here.

Unless, of course, there is somewhere I can go, upon logging in, which will list all the new contributions to AT on that day.(??) :)

Heading over to your card....