10 of Swords in health readings (for my dog)

Pique Dame

I've seen discussions of this card coming up in health readings. I know it's not always as dire as it looks. It can mean back pain, acupuncture, etc. This morning, I was doing some spreads and my dog was watching me with great interest, so I thought it would be fun to pull a few cards for her. I pulled this card when I asked what the current state of her health is. She doesn't act sick or have any visible injuries so I'm not sure what it's symbolizing here. My living situation is very stressful for both of us right now, so I'm wondering (or hoping) that it's just her mental state and nothing else. Is there anything else it could possibly mean?


It could mean arthritis in her spine if she's a dog who is getting on in years.

Pique Dame

She's 10 so she's not a puppy anymore but she has all the energy of one. Just last night, she was chasing a bunch of catnip toys around my friend's living room. (Yes, my dog likes cat toys.) :) Definitely doesn't act like anything is wrong with her, physically. That's why I'm wondering if it's more mental/psychological than physical.


From Nisaba's list of health meanings that's been posted here a few times:

10/Swords: "physical pain rooted or exacerbated by clinical depression"

My thought: If she has any sort of joint pain (either due to age or heredity), perhaps the living situation is making that worse? In humans, it's often a card of high stress and anxiety, and that certainly can affect our pets.

Pique Dame

10/Swords: "physical pain rooted or exacerbated by clinical depression"

My thought: If she has any sort of joint pain (either due to age or heredity), perhaps the living situation is making that worse? In humans, it's often a card of high stress and anxiety, and that certainly can affect our pets.

She could very possibly be suffering from depression caused by the stress of the living situation. I've been extremely stressed because of it for several months now, so I'm sure she's picking up on some of that. But, if that is the case, you'd think it would manifest itself as 9 of Swords rather than 10. Also, when I asked the question, I was referring to physical health. Would the cards give an answer relating to mental health, knowing I meant physical?
(Wow. I thought it would just be a fun little reading for my doggy. Didn't realize I'd open up such a can of worms!) :(