2 of cups and High Priestess


Some of us align the minors with the numerical value of the majors, eg the 2s as an aspect of the High Priestess. The 2 of Cups would then be the emotional aspect of the HP. But what exactly does that mean?


The fact that she is an appealing, attractive image, that we all like to feel we have a little bit of the HPS within ourselves? Perhaps it is our being attracted to the HP that relates to a card of two people attracted to each other.


Maybe it's that polarizing element too, part of you wants to dive into those waters and discover what it's secrets are, part of you feels ignorance is bliss, so there would be conflicting emotions about the unknown. Or possibly conflicts of whether to trust your feelings and intuition.

I don't see 2 Cups as hunky dory harmony, but often as opposite sides of the spectrum, represented in those pillars the HP stands between.

OH yeah, there is the romantic ideal... the HP isn't always the vestial virgin, since she is the one to assume the role of Lady when performing the fertility rites.


BrightEye said:
Some of us align the minors with the numerical value of the majors, eg the 2s as an aspect of the High Priestess. The 2 of Cups would then be the emotional aspect of the HP. But what exactly does that mean?
WW captured it very well!

I see HPS as the ultimate "in between," as the one who can manage to have two opposites in the same space, same time, same moment. There is attraction in opposites, like magnets, and yet there can also be destruction, like in matter and anti-matter. She allows both to be there, together but apart, like the pillars (as said).

Emotionally, this would stand for me for what we see in the 2/Cups. The emotional moment when you see another and feel some powerful attraction to them, but you don't connect--not yet. That moment is enthralling, and you might not want it to end either by breaking eye-contact and walking away, or by coming together and finding that this person is not so exciting close up.

This powerful, emotional moment is all about dreams and fantasies (related to the Moon, the HPS's planet), about secrets (who is this person across the room who's captured your attention?) that tantalize you and are the more exciting for not knowing. About attraction that relies on remaining apart.

I'd say that describes the HPS pretty well.


I see it as a secretive,unspoken attraction