2 Swords as to reason why someone isn't talking to you?


Someone I've been in love with for a long time cut contact with me 2 months ago and had a fight with me for no reason, i asked a trusted tarot reader who told me it was because of his issues at home and that he is very defensive and confused.
He got back in touch a week ago but then stopped again, when he got in touch he was acting like he missed me.
He did the same thing a year ago but told me after we had to be just friends because of his problems but we couldn't just be friends because we really liked eachother. He can control his emotions but i can't, so it was mainly difficult for me. Anyway, i got the 2 of swords as the outcome as to why he is not talking to me at the moment. By the way there's no sense of someone else, or a reason for him to not like me because i feel he still does so that is why i didn't post the whole reading. I just want to get the feel of the 2 of swords because I was a bit confused, some people say it's a "peace" card but i don't see it like that sometimes, i see it as not facing a problem and keeping people at arms length.


He is making a choice. And apparently making new ones, and frequently.

I'd say he's in two minds. About you and a load of other things.


My thoughts were pretty much Gregory's.

There's also a message for *you* in that card: you have two ways you can go: hold onto a feeling that's not helpful for you, or gracefully say goodbye, grieve for the loss, and move on to a situation that might make you a lot happier.


I'd agree with nisaba about the message for you, too. You are wasting your life here, I fear.


He is trying to keep his balance and for him it's easiest to do that with pretending things just aren't there (blindfold). You say that it's easy for him to control his emotions, but with this card it feels like a necessity. If he was going to examine and look I'm afraid the 'bear comes out of the cave'. Meaning: he would need to face a whole lot more about his life than just why the relationship between you two was & is like this. That's why he does nothing.
Just my 2 cents.


Agree with all the comments here and that he is in two minds about what to do next.
just wanted to add that from a tarot book about the 2 of Swords, I scribbled into my notebook an idea that for relationship problems it sometimes says that you need a third party professional mediator in the situation or a friend that both of you can express the problem and their side. To break the stalemate in the card and force a choice you might need a mutual third party, otherwise it's just a blocked situation. All the best with it!


Two swords is a "peace" card--but there's a caveat to that. It's a temporary peace card. Meaning that the argument or war is put on hold--but nothing has been resolved or decided. No peace contract has been signed. It's time-out, nothing more. And In agreement with everyone else, 2/Swords says his way of dealing with your relationship is by not dealing, by putting it on the back burner, setting his hands over his ears and going "la-la-la-la...I can't hear you..."

He'd rather cut off communication than communicate and be forced to make a real decision, be it to say a real good bye to you, absolute and forever, or by admitting that there could be more between you. As he can't have it both ways, he runs from it, hiding and pretending that if he just cuts himself off from you, it will work itself out. He won't have to decide.

Which means, in further agreement with others, that this is a very strong message to you. He doesn't want to decide on how or if you two will be friends. So that decision is up to you instead. Be brave, be bold, be firm and demanding. Either tell him how you want the relationship to be--and make it so, or walk away. Which might be a good idea, unless you really want to be with someone who runs and hides every time difficult decision needs to be made.


I see the four of swords as truce; a temporary peace - (they agree to stop fighting for a while) that is the 'time out card' for me (and in my deck) and the 2 of swords as peace ... a lasting peace.

I think there is confusion here, as; " the 2 of swords as the outcome as to why he is not talking to me ". A 'why' seems to ask for a reason and an outcome for the reason isn't the reason, it is the outcome OF the reason. Why he isn't talking to you is he wants peace (either in his own confused head or because "He can control his emotions but I can't." )

If the reading shows a correct outcome then it will be lasting peace, from the tumult that was caused by your interaction and whatever dynamic he had going on the side or at home.

Accept a peaceful end and gather all your intentions regarding him together and keep them to yourself ... and wait .... and give them to someone who will come along that is more suitable ... but 'clear' him first.