21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card


I originally posted a question in the study group for this book but I haven't gotten any responses. I'm feeling very defeated and need some advice. I recently purchased this book, and I've been going through and doing the activities. I'm on activity 7:1 part 3. Where we are to create a synthesis using all the information we've gathered on our chosen card so far. The trouble is, me and synthesis do not seem to get along. I read everything I've put together for my card thus far and come up blank on how to put it together. I just see keywords. I don't know if I'm over thinking it or what, but I'm getting very frustrated with myself. I was wondering if anyone else had this problem, and if you have how did you get passed it?

Thank you, and sorry for taking this outside the study group area.


Sorry to hear this is getting you down, Agate_fern.
Synthesis can be challenging because things don't always seem to fit together and there are too many possibilities. Try not to over think it. You can always come back to it later with a more playful approach.

Just a few thoughts...

Exercise 7:1 part 3 is asking you to synthesize your own personal thoughts about the card based on your own description, emotional response and fairytale.

It's just asking how the card makes you feel overall and what it means to you.
Take what you know, how you feel about it and the story you wrote and look for the common thread. A keyword is just a word until you can connect it to a personal experience, like your story and description. All these things come together to give a better overall understanding of the card.

Hope this helps and I haven't confused you more. :)


I think you need a break. Put the book on the shelf. Look at your cards or put THEM on the shelf for a day or two. If you don't want to put them up, force yourself to ignore keywords & everything you've 'learned' & just play with the cards. Keywords are simply meant to send you down an energy path & can encompass thousands of possibilities. Stop being so serious. Be frivolous. You're allowed. Later you'll be surprised at how much you've retained. May take a week, a month or even years. Everyone's different - if we were all the same it would be a boring planet, wouldn't it?